

This story belongs to him and his better half . While I choose to just highlight one of the many humans emotions that we all experience in this story. Fiction or Truth. You decide.

Girlfriend always complained of , how he didn’t have too many friends and how other couples just couldn’t get enough of their friend circle and all the fun things they did!
They had fun alright, and there was never a dull weekend, but then there was always this lingering thought that pestered her. He was friendly and gelled with everyone instantly, but when it came to going out for dinner with friends it rarely worked out. He was either too tired or just didn’t wish to spend his entire day with them, for him , sleep and good time spent with her was how he liked to spend his weekend.
After few years, he landed up on an excellent job offer that not only satisfied his desire to grow, but paid extremely well. The job required him to shift his base for 2 years. After a long discussion, both of them decided that while she would stay put here, he would come around every second weekend, as he couldn’t bear to stay away from her.
D day arrived, and after all the crying and “I’ll miss you” exchanged, as he boarded the flight to his new destination she couldn’t help but wonder how they would survive this new change.


While she instantly settled into her new life, he was still trying to adjust to the new changes. His new job was demanding, she couldn’t find time during her office hours, their plans of chatting for long hours after work , flying down to meet each other, went right out of the window.The love didn’t,It just became stronger, the lesser they spoke the more they wanted to be with each other.Change however was inevitable.

During his initial week he met few interesting people, and instantly gelled. With demanding work life he would end up spending most of his time with them. Every time she called, he would either be in an important discussion with them or planning on a evening night out to wind down after a hectic day. She was happy he had found good company and was having fun, however off late their conversation got shorter “I’ll call you back, the guys are here we were in middle of some discussion, give me 2 mins”.”We were planning to go out for drinks, I am in the car with them, let me call you back”. ” “He came here to help me, check on you in 5 mins” and so on, Of course he called her back, and they talked, he could not ever not call her back, but something in her was changing, they were happy like any other happy couple, somewhere there was this feeling that was growing stronger with each passing day. Despite being happy for him that he was adjusting well to the new enviroment ,deep down their was saddness that he wasn’t missing her as much she did. She didnt know if she was right in thinking this way,confused she kept it to herself.

It was his birthday, and this was would be the first time they wouldn’t be together to celebrate. To make it special she had a special flowers and cake delivered, the whole day she kept messaging him “Love you“, while for him he had now got accustomed to keeping himself busy and this seemed like any other day for him. Later that evening , he planned a party with his friends. The party was an instant hit. Later that evening he called her “I am missing you so much darling, my party was instant hit, I am having so much fun“. she was happy on the outside, but miserable within “he is having fun without me, yeah he says misses me, but then he sounds so happy. This is the happiest he has sounded since morning” her imagination working over time. After their usual good night exchanges, she let her self to the terrace of her building. She was confused, she wanted to be happy for him, he was having fun, enjoying his day and that is what she wanted in the first place. Then why wasn’t she feeling happy within? Why was she feeling this way?. BING, Jealously.”
‘Oh no way, I couldn’t be jealous? Jealous of what?’ Yes, I am Jealous, jealous of his friends, they seem to be keeping him so busy, he seemed to be always with them” Wait a sec “ I complained while he didn’t have friends and now I complaining because he has friends! I want his time and yet want him to have friends” After a long talk with herself (she did this often). she realized, it was plain simple Jealously.
Next morning, she called her best friend, and poured her heart out. Both of them had a good augh, It was cute, she was jealous of his boy friends,she decided to make peace with it, for she knew these guys would be his friends for long time to come.

She didn’t tell him, when the time is right he would know all about it.

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