Life:Cousin’s visit

Life:Cousin’s visit

Hey there! How have you been ? I have been busy as you can tell! Finally I got some time this weekend to blog.

I know I am running late on good 3-4 posts for the month of June , like 2 hikes, a camping trip, visit to Crater lake ,the thunder bird show and some more. And I will get to all of them.But for now, let’s talk about past two week.

I had my first cousin Renu and my adorably naughty witty nephew Mr. V with us for two whole weeks.

The kids had the most an amazing time playing in water, pretending to be super hero’s,exploring parks and exchanging notes on their favorite video games.

Fourteen days went by in a blink of an eye and soon it was time to say goodbye.

This post however is not about the girls bonding with their cousin or the places we visited, it’s more of a personal post , a memory that I want to treasure through written words.

I think dreamer in me holds relationships closer to heart and that’s why time and again you’ll find one such post make it’s way up here.

Renuka and I are first cousins, we are 11 first cousins on my mom’s side and for the longest time the 11 of us spent our summer break together at my grandma’s house,those were some of the best fun summer holidays!

As time passed,she and I grew closer, a friendship blossomed between us.Coming from defense backgrounds helped cement our relationship further as we had similar upbringing and schooling. There was a time we were inseparable!

The age of 18-22 when you are at your most unapologetic,adventurous,unadulterated self, excited at the new found freedom,dreaming those big dreams,I got to spend those years with my sister quite literally.

It wasn’t planned,we just ended up in the same college ,both graduating with a bachelors in Computer Science.

Back then we were each other’s cheerleaders,warding off unwanted attention,standing up for each other, we didn’t shy away from telling each other how it is and perhaps that’s why we survived everything that came our way!

Don’t let my words fool you though, It wasn’t always a happy picture.We had our challenges.

As kids we always had the pressure of performing as well or better academically and when in college in addition to academics we landed ourselves in situations that tested our bond.

We did just fine, no sloppy story here 😂. ,The competition made us smarter and well the rest we figured it out with age.

We graduated,got jobs,fell in love,got married and moved in different directions,Life happened and we lost touch, albeit for a short period, we did. And then we gave birth to our babies in the same year just a month apart !

And as they say life comes full circle, we reconnected again as mothers .When we did,it was like we never had been apart.

Every time we meet now, we have an amazing time and this year was no different just that we met here in USA instead of back home.

The best of part of this meet was that the kids are all grown up,they didn’t need us to baby sit them for most parts.They were busy creating memories as were we!

They played some,fought some but when it came to video games,they were at their best behavior!

We did the touristy stuff,shopped ,went park hopping and spent afternoons gorging on otter pops for most part of the week.

What I enjoyed the most ? It was binge watching our favorite movies from those years. Staying up till 4am chatting and laughing our heads off on the silliest jokes that no one else would find funny, S didn’t even bother himself 🤣 !

Where was S? He was busy playing the patient non interfering host ,he let us sisters be,kept the interruptions to minimum,took us around during weekends,the best part, he kept an eye on the kids when we went shopping.How cool is that ? !

Japanese Garden Portland

If you could back in time, who is that one person you see your 18 year old self with?Are you in touch with each other?If you could, would you pick up that phone and call them?

Life is too short,sometimes you do get more than one chance,the question is will you take that chance ?While we are on it here is a thought for you

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart”. ~Helen Keller

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