Love in 15 days.

Love in 15 days.

Leading interior designer Saakashi, shares her lover story with us today. “It was just meant to happen! I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner” As narrated to us, this one is from her to all our viewers! Read on.

“Vikas, woh laadka smart laag raha hai” That was me, looking at this guy is blue jeans and grey round neck T. Hadn’t seen him arnd earlier. We had a pact, I spot the pretty ones and he helps with the handsome ones LOL!

The same evening, “Guys, lets go and play TT” (we had just finished our assignment) most of my team members played well,I wanted to learn too!

There he was again! Playing TT with my team mate Rakhi. He stole a glance at me(girls always know it!) We had a common link now.

Next day, there he was, again (Coincidence hmm?) I had Jeffery Archer (he he he). The rest of them played with him, while I sat on the bench pretending to be serious reader.

Day 3: Same time, we were finally introduced, Hi, I am Swayam”. “Hello. Saakashi”
We( Swayam, me and that girl) settled down for coffee(Sterling square had a beautiful terrace, cafe coffee day and bang opp MG road. Those were the days!!), finally he comes to the point
” So you read?” He had a naughty look in his eyes
“Ah, once in a while Yes!” all smitten
“What do you like to read?”
“Well,fiction, murder mysteries”
“Alrite, I’ll get you latest from J.A”
making sure he had a good reason to talk to me the next day
Day 4: Evening, just the two of us. “Here you are” handing over the book.
Thank you, I’ll retrun it soon”
“Oh, this comes with a price, You have to treat me to cofffee till you return my book”
Taken aback!Then you rather take it back, coz I ain’t treating you to one” I was sooo blushing
“Either ways, you have to treat me! You might as well keep the book”

He was good at his game!

Earlier that day, he looked up my name in the outlook(Duh!to get my extn) He had 3 Saakashi’s staring at him on the screen. Instead of taking a chance, he called Rakhi’s extn. Her phone rang (I normally don’t attend anyone’s phone,she wasn’t arnd, I don’t why? But that day I took the call)
“Hello? This is Saakashi, Rakhi is not arnd, can I take down a message for you?”
“Hi, this is Swayam” my heart skipped a beat
“Hey” Could it be true?
He was honest! “Well, I was actually trying to get your no,there were 3 Saakashi’s in that outlook. So, what’s your extn

That was fast, he asked for it and I gave it without sec thgts

Day 5: I have a mail from him waiting in my inbox, just usual stuff. I reply, and pop another one. The mails exchange had started!!
“Now, that we are not strangers, I dont think u’ll mind if I call you on your cell” How could I say NO to that? His plan was perfect!
Later, that evening after all the mails, I get call tring tring “Hi, its me,Busy?” Back then, I followed my serials religiously. But I couldn’t say No to him.
“Na, not really.”
and so being the calls.

Weekend follows, I was home, Goa. We kept in touch thro’ sms’s.

Day8: Sumit Kankal is down with Jaundice, I had to go see him (one of my closest friends!). “hey do you mind if I join you?
Excuse me?” You want to meet my friend?
Yeah, I stay arnd the same place, I’ll drop you off “ Smart move
“Ok!” Isn’t this going too fast?

He was admitted in manipal.Introductions done, Swayam got a call, excused himself and went outside.
“Ooye yeh kaun hai? Sahi laadka hai, choodna mat”
Shut up! aisa kuch bhi nahi hai!” This was the first time , I actually gave it a serious thought.
We had taken a rick to hospital, it was raining cats and dogs. He obviously couldn’t let the lady go in rick.“I just need to pick my car, and then i’ll drop you off”
“Oh that wont be necessary, I’ll take a rick from here”
I cant just jump into his car now?
“Look either ways I am coming down to drop you, it would only help if I can drive back in my car!” point taken. chivalrous. lady charmer.
He dropped me to my PG (Now, he knows where I stay!!) and before dropping me he tells me “Now that I have dropped u once, I am going to drop you always!”
What was I supposed to say to that? I just blushed. That guy was making all the right moves.

We got way to comfortable with each other(he flirted, and so did I, we didn’t even have to say, we knew it!), he ended up meeting all my friends, my cuz sister, her BF(now my BIL). It was during the first 15 days of meeting him, that I fell really sick and he milked the situation to his best interest :). Taking me to hospital, checking on me every one hour, bringing me flowers!!

Finally on the 15th day, he supposedly spoke to my other closet friend Aarohi, and she told him “Stop pretending, you both know that you have fallen for each other, she wont say it! Her parents are looking out for her, if you are serious ask her out!”

That day I had to pick my glasses(had placed an order for new frames), we were in the showroom, he comes really close and tells me “You know , everyone has noticed it except you” (Yeah, It was his line!)Now I wasn’t a fool and I knew what he meant. I didn’t give up so easily,he was persistent, and finally he said the words “Will you marry me?” LOL. No, “I love you!”nothing! (My parents had started looking out for me, and i was until I met him seriously looking at getting married too.He had no choice, but to ask me for marriage! LOL!)

I needed day to decide, though I was really happy and then the next day I said “Yes!” Just like that.That’s how it happened.A year and half later we were married.
“It was just meant to happen! I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner”

We wish our readers a very happy valentine’s day.Watch out this space for life and more


4 thoughts on “Love in 15 days.

  1. that is sooooo sweetttt
    ive always asked for details but never got any
    and now uve posted it for the world to read! am i not important enough? 🙁

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