

Love happens once and Lust!, well over and over again. Yeah rite! I don’t think so. Here is my take ‘Love happens over and over again, well Lust just keeps happening’ he he he. Come on,do you really believe in ‘Love can happen just once’ Honestly. There is a thin line between the two. We’ll talk about that some other day. Today we talk about love.

Think hard and then think again.keep thinking, till you are convinced that Love happens over and over and over.Duh! Its gotta. How boring would life get, if one fell in love once and then, period. Omg! Love is beautiful, its magical, and to believe that there is only person with whom you can create this magic would be so unfair. Unfair to those who can love you, and unfair to you, who can fall in love, AGAIN!

Alright, just so that you dont think I am preaching the wrong stuff. I am talking to those of you, who have loved and lost, those who are going thro’ heartbreak, the ones who are totally crazy (Get it!). Honestly guys. You wanna cry, cry! You wanna give yourself some space. Do that.But then, to think there is just this one and only one person,then you gotta shake your self! Like seriously shake! ! One person!

Hello! whatever happened to those
zillion good looking,smart,sensible,intelligent,charismatic men and women out there?
You want me to believe that we all have only one soul mate and then that’s about it! OMG. Boring! Yaar pyaar karo, baar baar karo. Aaj nahi tho kal, ek na ek phir paat jayega ya jayegi.

On a serious note, yes it happens with this one person, and you believe you cant recreate that magic! Well, obviously, you can’t, no two people are alike.So create a new one,and guess what, it will happen, and it would have a new feel to it. And before you know, the old magic would be history and the new one, well its rocking! You gotta to believe, we all deserve love, All of us! sometimes it happens JLT and sometimes it doesn’t. Don’t hold on to that one person. Hold on to the idea of love, and Love tho matalab yaar, chance do, bahut log hai. They’ll put you to shame with this immense amount of love that they can give and are ready to be receive it back in return!

Its all in your mind. .Unless you are one those who keeps screwing it up, it will happen to you sooner or later.Give it a shot. Don’t be scared. Dust yourself, and be ready to be embraced 🙂

Talking of Lust. Wait a min. I don’t really need to do I? he he he. I’ll give it you, you guys are smart.You dont need my post to explain everything now!


One thought on “Love/Lust.

  1. guru mata… too much gyan n all… i think when love will come to your way, u will fall in without any realization… no need to any preparation and all… it just come into our life 🙂

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