Meet J.

Meet J.

I happened to mention to him, that he would get a post in my ever famous blog and being true to my word,I am introducing him here. He learned it alright 🙂 ( You gotta bribe me one way or the other to get here )

No, I am not the shy kinda, who likes to meet people over the messenger, rather than have a face to face talk, but it easier and in the longer run, one way or the other, you’d know if you want to take it forward. I met ‘L’ and ‘G’ over messenger and quite delighted to have them around, and more recently met ‘J’.
A chat with him always challenges me to look up wiki or dictionary.So far I have been trying to beat him at his word game, come up with something wackier faster,but then experience counts, and often I am defeated!

I don’t know in months from now how things shape up, but one thing that I can bet on, is the chatting will surely help me improve my vocabulary 🙂
* The characters mentioned in my blogs are fictional, If you do relate to anyone its purely coincidental 😉

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