Mr and Mrs.

Mr and Mrs.

Raj Punj, was a breath of fresh air, looker, good dresser, great talker, he always said the right thing.

She hadn’t realized it, until one day when Raj asked to come over s, she ran to ladies room to check on herself. Perfect, a dash of gloss, she walked to his seat. Why did she go do that? Why did she off late, always find reasons to be around him? She couldn’t tell.

2 months earlier.
Soon after his first week in office, Raj had started stopping over at her desk, to make small talk, to invite her for coffee, he always made it a point to pay her a compliment, from her dress, to her eyes. She had caught him staring at her during meetings, and then there was the internal messenger, where he always pinged her, just to tell her how pretty she looked today, he always ended telling her, “I love flirting with you, you make me want to better myself each day” and she would laugh it off( deep inside she loved it).

She couldn’t run away from it.There were no words said between them, but one couldn’t deny the chemistry developing between them. Subconsciously she was falling in love again. She felt like a teenager.

Back home, she was happy to be in his arms,his smell made her feel at home, which she wouldn’t trade for anything in world . Arranged by parents,she fell in love with him after marriage. A happily married women, until Raj made an entry and created mayhem.

She wasn’t out of love with her husband, she was just falling for another man or so she thought. Was it one of those infatuations? She couldn’t tell. Initially , she had mentioned to her hubby about this new guy in office who always tried flirting with her but off late she couldn’t get herself to even take his name. She felt guilty, she knew she had encouraged him, letting him to lead her to this point. But then Raj, knew she was married, and that didn’t deter him.

Raj wasn’t easily going to give up, he still stopped over at her desk, he still told her “how pretty she looked”. Raj, who initially was just having fun, was now falling for her. The smell of her perfume, the kajal in her eyes, the way she bit her lips when nervous, he was falling in love with all that. He knew she was married, he knew she was happy with her husband, but he couldn’t stop himself from falling for her. He just wanted to grab her, kiss her, tell her how much he loved her.

And he did! One evening, just when she was to leave , she found him standing at the exit of the door. ‘We need to talk’ he was firm. She couldn’t say NO.
At the far end of the cafeteria, they sat.
‘This is just me, I don’t even know how you feel, but I’ he paused. He looked around, there just few souls chatting.He grabbed her hand.
She wanted to free herself, but she couldn’t. His touch, weakened her.
‘I have fallen for you. I have fallen head over heals for you. I am always thinking about you, I want to hold you, I want to love you. I am in love with you’
He had said it. He couldn’t believe how vulnerable he felt. He wanted her to hold him and tell him ‘I love you too!’ But she just there, looking down. Tears rolling down.

He knew now was not the time to be self fish. He let go of her hand, stood up and sat next to her. He held her in his arms, and she cried
Finally she stopped. She looked into his eyes,she couldn’t lie no more. ‘Yes, I do, I do have feelings for you.I don’t know when, I don’t why. I have lost my sense of control’ she waited ‘But,’ He prayed hard. ‘How will you take it, if I tell you ,this love is not all your’s’ . He couldn’t hold it back, and a tear rolled down.

‘There is some one else who I think I’ll love more than I have loved anyone’
‘Great, so you love me, but you love this some one else too?’
‘Yes, I love you, I love you with my whole heart, but I cant do anymore.’
‘Please read it after I left’ held out an envelope to him.

She stood up, looked around. The group had left. Tear still rolling down, she leaned towards him, and placed a kiss on his lips. Without looking back she walked away.

He just stood there,why didn’t he grab her when she was so close! Moments later, when she was on longer in his sight, he opened the envelope and fell out two letters.

Mr Punj,
If you are reading this, then you’ll know that I have always loved you. I loved you since the day you first came into my life and again when you joined my office. I cant think of spending my life with anyone else but you.I am waiting for you at the main gate.

Your Wife,
Sneha Punj.

P.S: Dinner at Taj. Table Booked.

Second letter.

‘Mrs Punj, This report confirms that you are 3 months pregnant. Congratulations. Please let us be of service…..’

The chaiwaala swore, he hadn’t heard any employee scream this hard before out of joy!

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