Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew

What is your favorite memory of you reading a book? asked Rana, grabbing a Nancy Drew from the shelf. Laila was taken aback by this innocent yet thought provoking question from her 10 year old daughter. Rana was going through this phase where every other sentence coming from her began with “What is your favorite….”.

“hmm.. that’s an interesting question. Let me think for a minute…” said Laila.

Most days Laila would say something silly in response and Rana would laugh it off . Today as she looked down at her Rana holding the latest edition of Nancy Drew, a memory came back to her.

I have one! It is of a ten year old me sitting on the floor with a bowl of leftover noodles reading a Nancy Drew on a warm Sunday afternoon!

Rana’s eyes widened in excitement “Nancy Drew?! I want to know…tell me mama”.

Okay first, let’s checkout this book!” smiling Laila led her daughter to the librarian.

(Outside the library, Laila and Rana found themselves a spot in their favorite bakery. As Rana took a bite out of her chocolate muffin, Laila shared her favorite memory….)

This is how it goes..

Dad was posted in Bombay back then. I think I was in 5th grade just like you are now. Every Sunday, your grandma prepared a special lunch. That day it was her famous delicious Chicken Biryani. I ate so much that I couldn’t even move. Rana giggled.

After the lunch, I headed straight for my room eager to read the latest Nancy Drew. Now, libraries back then were nothing like what we you see today. Nothing like the ones you find here in USA.

Our library in reality was a shop in Navy Nagar that also doubled up as library. God bless that shopkeeper, he had converted the widest wall of his shop in to a book shelf.

Even though it was a small stationery shop, it was stocked with the latest editions of Archie, Tinkle Digest , Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Famous Five , Chacha Chaudhary, Amar Chitra Katha and many more.

Every few weeks on a Sunday, your uncle and I would ride down to pick our next read. It was always on a Sunday because back then schools were open 6 days a week ! “What?!” Rana slowly shook her head in disbelief.

Those were days, Laila mused as she continued.

On one such Sunday..

I checked out the next Nancy Drew adventure. Just like the one you checked out today! Rana’s eyes followed Laila’s to the Nancy Drew sitting on the table.

I remember it being a hot day because the ceiling fan in my room was running at speed 5. Oh the days of Khaitan fans!, Rana if only you knew the sound it made when running at such high speed ! said Laila laughing, thinking of the fan.

Laila continued, Mom and dad left to play Tambola in US Club (the perks of being a Naval officer). While your uncle (a just turned teenager) headed straight for his room, leaving me alone in my room with Nancy Drew.

Nancy Drew and Noodles

I plonked myself on the rug lying next to my bed, and grabbed a pillow from the bed . Resting my head on the pillow I started reading Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. At some point in the story, Nancy asks her aunt’s help with investigation.

Nancy’s aunt asks her to come meet her for dinner . The dinner is in an Italian restaurant. At the restaurant Nancy orders a Spaghetti and Coca Cola for herself. Looking down at her Spaghetti, Nancy picks her fork..! And then… Paused Laila

And then?” Rana repeated with a tone of urgency.

I kept the book down, got up and headed straight to the fridge to look for last night’s leftover noodles and a bottle of Thumbs up. I poured the Thumbs Up in one of your grandma’s fancy collection of crystal tumblers, emptying the cold noddle’s in to another fancy bowl, I headed back to my room!

Cold Noodles? Microwave mom!” Said Rana, in between bites.

Oh we didn’t have microwaves nah! Neither were we allowed to use gas, not until we were adults. Rana’s eye widened as she took in this piece of information!

Remember Rana, I had just had my lunch, yet I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing noodles. Continued Laila.

As I was saying

Sitting down with bowl noodles and a fork, my drink in a fancy glass next to me, I dived right back into the story. And as Nancy took her first bite, I swirled the fork to grab a mouthful of noodles!!

Taking a sip of Thumbs Up as Nancy took a sip 😀😂. Rana laughed as Laila joined her.

Continuing Laila said , I don’t remember how the story ended. What I do remember, is feeling very happy , as I shared a moment with Nancy!

And this my favorite memory of me reading a book! As we moved city to city, I never again found a library like this one. I graduated to reading Jeffery Archer and John Grisham from your granddad’s collection but this memory stayed with me!

Oh mom, I loved this story! Can you tell me another one? Please” pleaded Rana, as she and Laila headed towards their car.

Sure, someday I will share another favorite memory!” said Laila.

I may or may not have shared my favorite memory of reading a book. 😀

Now, if you think I am one of those serious reader who reads books ( Yes, even listening to audiobooks counts as reading😉) after books! Oh think again!

I am your average reader, just like most of you I catch up on reading as and when I find time. More often than not it’s during my morning walks or drives! Audiobooks have helped me get back to reading.

So if you have thinking getting back to reading do it today !! Every day is good day to start !

Do share your favorite memory of reading a book! See you guys soon with another story. This is me signing off. Adios!

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” -J.K. Rowling

2 thoughts on “Nancy Drew

  1. My first memory of reading fiction is one of the famous five novels. I remember not being able to put it down.

    I love the juxtaposition in the post between fiction and real life!

    1. Thank you! I tried mixing up a bit, glad you enjoyed reading it! Famous Five was my go to for a while, but Nancy Drew was my favorite!

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