Online Detoxing..

Online Detoxing..

*Wrote this one way back in 2015…It’s unfinished yet it still makes sense, even today 4 years later**You log-in just for a sneak peek and the next thing you know? You have been at it for hours! Once in awhile you need your space.You need to back down and just be offline.

One fine day,I came across this article on how a people are completely cutting off from anything that is even remotely close to being online(twitter,instagram, facebook,pinterest,quroa etc),online Detoxing, they called it!

That was my calling, I finally decided to do it myself. A Terrifying idea, an uphill task, but one that I had made my mind to do!
How do you stay away from checking Facebook everyday?  If you are not on facebook,then where should you be ?
Surprise, surprise. All that fretting was for nothing,  It turned out to be pretty easy, than I had  anticipated. Yes, first two days I had to remind myself, 3rd day was easy peesy, One week without Facebook and now I don’t even have the urge to log in as much. In fact, I spend less than 10 minutes and I am out!

I needed do this, staying at home, I found it easier to log into Facebook and spend countless minutes, I have. I had to break free from this constant need to be online and mostly indulge in meaningless surfing. It was fun few years ago, everyone posted their pics, updated status, slowly the posts got generic and more and more unrelated posts started flooding  your home page and now its all about business.  With people slowly moving out, how else could you tempt them back in? Make it easier to earn money, an easy way out, put up a Facebook page with necessary details, pics aplenty  and your business is up and running!

They made it big back then, because it was now easier to connect with everyone you had know known/knew in your life time, people missed that personal touch and Facebook gave us that. They should have just stuck to their roots, a place to connect and share. A place for friends,acquaintances and family alike. Kept it personal. Kept it simple. Instead they made it all messy mixing personal with professional.
They could have branched out into a separate business model, allowing users to use that forum for solely business purpose and added the necessary zing zang for making it easy breezy to sell.

Orkut died a unknown death, not many are even aware that you can no longer access your orkut account, not that ever since Facebook was launched  most of us even gave it a second look.
The point being , Facebook isn’t far too far there, trying hard to keep their head above the water. constantly trying to reinvent.

How much more can you add here?

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