Monthly Letter Series: February

Monthly Letter Series: February

Hello there! How have you been? It’s officially Spring in our part of the world! Just like the Beatles song goes “Here Comes The Sun“, bright sunny days are here to stay😄. With Spring in the air and in my steps, picking up from earlier post titled Dear January, comes my next letter addressed to February. I know what are you thinking! Me too! You are thinking “Kudos to you Anusha for keeping up on at least one of your…

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Holi Hai 2022

Holi Hai 2022

Bura na mano holi hai! A very happy Holi to all of you. Holi Hai !! If you did celebrate the Festival of Colors last weekend, I hope you had a fun time covering your family and friends in bright colors this year. This year’s Holi or for that matter any and all festivities this year are going to be extra special! After two years, it finally feels like we are going to be ok! In spite of all that…

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Happy 5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday

Guess what ? 🌈 Happy 5th Birthday N 🌈. I know what you are thinking! “A birthday post again? Haven’t we gone through two “birthday” posts already now? ” I get it , I get it! It does seem like all I am doing is talking about birthdays and I am, because It’s raining milestones birthdays in our house this year😜. Here I’ll make a promise, there is something that I have been working on and off for 2 months…

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It’s my birthday

It’s my birthday

Bonjour, Good morning. How are you guys doing? It’s almost spring here, flowers have started to bloom, shades of pink,yellow and whites are slowly making an appearance, you can hear bird songs as early as 5 am and wait for it, the sun is now setting at 6pm 💕!! I almost didn’t write this post and then I came back to finish what I had started a week ago.In this space I share personal stories and happenings of my day…

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My Tribe

My Tribe

Hello, good morning from Friday Harbor in San Juan Islands, our home for next four days. We arrived this afternoon and were awestruck with the view that was waiting for us. Husband outdid himself this time with his choice of airbnb❤️. I’ll have a post up all about our trip soon enough , today is not about that. Today I wanted to start my day by thanking few of my friends, my little family away from home. My tribe, my…

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Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day 2022

Hello there! Missed me? Well I missed you guys. I have been working on a post for few weeks now and by looks of it, it’s going to take me a couple more weeks before I am ready to publish it. So , I figured until then we can talk about Valentine’s day. Our Valentine’s Day How was your Valentine’s day this year? Did something romantic – candle light dinner or just carried on with your day as usual? It…

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It’s my birthday month

It’s my birthday month

Happy February you guys! How are you doing? It’s my birthday month, it’s also the month of LOVE. How amazing is that? In less than two weeks I will be turning yet another year younger and whole lot more sexier 😂. It’s my birthday I get to decide how old I turn. Am I right or am I right? 😛 It’s another matter that my friends are stalking me everywhere reminding me of my approaching milestone birthday. To be fair…

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Dear January

Dear January

Good evening. Can I ask you a question today ? When was the last time you wrote a letter ? Pause. Take a moment. Ready with your answer ? Are you smiling ? Did it bring back some fond memories? Hold on to that memory for bit. Enjoy this moment for a bit. What’s the hurry ? 😊 I have enjoyed writing letters for as I long as I can remember. Reading a letter always brings back fond memories of…

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The Secret Keeper of Jaipur by Alka Joshi

The Secret Keeper of Jaipur by Alka Joshi

Genre : Mystery Thriller | Author : Alka Joshi (June 2021) | Running Time : 11 hrs and 8 mins Narrators: Sneha Mathan, Ariyan Kassam and Deepa Samuel Good morning beautiful people ! How is your weekend looking? For more than a week now we have been waking up to a thick fog and bitter weather. The fog lifts mid afternoon only to be back with vengeance by sunset. Yesterday though, we had a good day weatherwise. On my morning…

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I am a Room Parent

I am a Room Parent

Yes, this school year I volunteered to be the room parent for N’s class. No , not self volunteered rather the role fell into my laps and just couldn’t say no. I have only been volunteering for class/school specific activities, up until now. However, this year I moved on from following the instructions to giving out the instructions to a room full of parents (Parents can be a scary lot I tell you😂). A Room Parent’s primary duties are to…

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The Palace of illusions

The Palace of illusions

Genre: Historical Fiction| Author: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (Feb 2008) | Running Time: 12 Hrs. 30 Min Narrator: Sneha Mathan Good morning! How are you folks doing today? What are you reading these days? I started the new year listening to this gem of book The Palace of illusions (2008) by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni read by Sneha Mathan. Had it not been for my friend Swati, I would have never picked up The Palace of illusions– a delightful narration of Mahabharata from…

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Seven Little Clues

Seven Little Clues

In my previous post Seaside Oregon-The Crab Pot I sneaked in a mention of the Seven little clues. Shall we find out whether or not we solved the clues? And if we did what was the big surprise at end of it? 7 clues hunt (The beginning) It all started when Miss. V laid her eyes on a neatly rolled paper stuffed in the cavity of one the oars on the wall. Inquisitive as ever, her fingers found their way…

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Seaside, Oregon- The Crab Pot.

Seaside, Oregon- The Crab Pot.

🎉 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉 Bonjour! Hope you are having a sparkling start to the year! Two years on and the virus doesn’t seem to be going anywhere , Vaccination and Masks are here to stay. I hope you are being smart, being compassionate and keeping safe. Here is my first post of 2022 recounting our last vacation of 2021. After a lovely road trip and back to back parties all in one week, we spent the 1st day of…

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Two Thousand and Twenty One

Two Thousand and Twenty One

Hello there ! How are you planning to spend your last day of 2021? Party your way into 2022 or stay in pajamas and catch up on your favorite movie? For a change we are going to spend it partying with friends this year 🎉. We are back from our 3 nights trip from Seaside, Oregon. Our Airbnb host tells us that before this it had only snowed in twice in this quaint little beach town. Well looks like we…

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Our puppy is 6 months old!

Our puppy is 6 months old!

Merry Christmas ,do you celebrate Christmas? Well we drove down in snow and rain from cold Seattle to cold Seaside town in Oregon , our home for next three days. The girls are watching Jumanji for the first time while Ginger is cozying up next to S‘s feet as he prepares our dinner as I put finishing touches to this post from Crab Pot -our beach cottage. Just one week left to new year, are you excited for 2022? Wouldn’t…

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