Review : Seabrook, The Beach Town

Review : Seabrook, The Beach Town

We visited Seabrook in the third week of February this year ,our first vacation in 18 months since the pandemic. As promised in my post , here is a review of Seabrook from our holiday book. *The town is strictly following the COVID-19 guidelines.* It was the mesmerizing view of the pacific ocean and the endless beach on both sides that first attracted the founders Casey and Laura Roloff .Soon they set off to build one of its kind destination…

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Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me

Who had a fun weekend? Who went out and came back a year wiser, prettier, smarter and all the affirmative ‘er’s” this weekend. Oh well, if you haven’t guessed it yet! Yes it was me. “Happy Birthday to me..” My birthday falls in the same week as the mid winter break and that makes it easier on S to plan a family vacation and also pass it on as my birthday getaway too! Smart chap :). This time it fell…

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Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

You read all about about Curious’s love affair with snow and how we were missing it this year in Sledding Day 2021 . For her sake, I really wanted it to snow. Well my prayers were finally answered and how! To give you an idea, as per official records, this was highest snow recorded in Seattle in last 52 years. Unlike the heavy windy snow we witnessed last year, we were treated to lighter, calmer snowfall this year. Dreamy fluffy…

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Conversations: The Kiss

Conversations: The Kiss

It all started with this caught-in-an-embarrassing-moment-during-virtual-meetings kind of video that landed in my chat messenger one morning. This one was funny, in this video a man is intently explaining his work when suddenly his partner unaware that the camera is on tries to sneak in a kiss. The man appears to be visibly shocked, firstly to be caught unaware and secondly because everyone on the meeting has now witnessed the little kiss act. He just looks at her in disbelief…

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Review: Dragons Love Tacos

Review: Dragons Love Tacos

Who doesn’t love tacos? I love love tacos and my current favorite is the Tacos Camarones . I could go on and on about tacos but I am here to talk about the book so we will save Tacos for some other time. Dragons Love Tacos is a hilarious ,delicious read aloud picture book for children between the ages of 3-5. It would make a fun read aloud book for early elementary kids too. This book was published in 2012….

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Conversation : Thank You

Conversation : Thank You

Welcome to the new series. Conversations. We all enjoy a good talk , with pandemic in our lives for over a year now, phone calls have become a integral part of our daily routines, be it with a friend, a family member or just your colleague. More often than not, we slip into some thought provoking conversations . There are times when you agree and then there are times when you just want to scream out and say your piece….

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Aqua Baby

Aqua Baby

Last month was a great swim month for Little . She did the head bobs all by herself , finally !! After nearly 4 months she did. Yohoo, you go girl!! Who is celebrating? I am I soo am! Its taken a lot of cajoling, begging and not-so-nice warning to get her to do it. I am so proud of me. That’s right, you bet I am! What is a head bob ? Well… “Head bobs basically is hanging onto…

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Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

A dreamer. A doer. A real life go- getter. Most people like good, but Sofia liked it better. From the creators of Iggy Peck, Architect, Rosie Revere , Engineer and Ada Twist, Scientist , comes yet another delightful gem of a picture book Sofia Valdez, Future Prez. Its the first book in the Questioneer series that has moved from STEM and highlights the importance of community building introducing the little activist Sofia Valdez. A simple rhyming story telling your child…

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How will I grow?

How will I grow?

The cutest thing happened a few days ago and it went like this “But then , how will I grow ?”  Before I tell you all about it, let’s rewind a bit,  It all started with Potty Training I know mommies, I have your attention now ! I started potty training Little when she was about 6 months old.  Now when you have the second one, most of you may agree with me,  you just want to replicate your successes you…

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Story: Moving on….

Story: Moving on….

Shane had been distant this morning he had rather left in a hurry, it was because of the conversation they had last night. Relationships aren’t as easy at they seem it takes two to Tango. Its takes hard work and trust in your partner to get that imperfectly perfect dance routine that’s just yours. She should know, after all she was once married. It had been 3 years since her divorce, Raj, her ex-husband had been her best buddy for…

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Sledding Day 2021

Sledding Day 2021

 We finally checked off “sledding” from our bucket list of winter-things-to-do-every-year! Constant reminders followed by accusations of-being-unfair or no fair topped with  extra drama from a certain 8 year old for over a month now, finally forced us into making that trip to  Leavenworth.  The drive was breath taking, It’s like one of those stunning winter wonderland kind of drive that you always watch in movie  and what made it perfect was that we had a visit from Mr. Sun himself.  It was gorgeous…

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You Should Have Known-The Undoing

You Should Have Known-The Undoing

 Time and again, you’ll find this space filled with reviews of series, books, movies through my eyes, these are the ones that caught my attention ,enough that ,I wanted to come and talk pen about them.  This is my opinion, how I perceived, felt and experienced them. Strongly Today we are talking about The Undoing  limited American miniseries playing on HBO Max , based on the characters and the plot line (loosely enough) from the book called “You Should Have Known”…

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Happy National Youth Day

Happy National Youth Day

Hello! Happy National Youth Day to you.  In all honesty, I wouldn’t have bothered myself with this day, (one more day in the list of ever growing days to celebrate) had it not been for the those endless Instagram posts that flooded my feed today. Friends posting a photograph of their younger selves captioned  What I would tell my younger “youth” self?  Hashtag #nationalyouthday Did you know, National Youth Day is celebrated every year on the 12th of January since 1985 to honor one…

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You are just done!

You are just done!

“Losing respect for someone, is always a weird thing ,you don’t hate the person, you just don’t feel the need to ever speak to them ,again or even think about them in the same way. You are just done” How apt is this? Please raise your hands or rather give me a  thumbs up👍 (courtesy zoom meetings!). How many of you have felt this way ? One too many times perhaps? These lines were not written by me, but it resonates…

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Online Detoxing..

Online Detoxing..

*Wrote this one way back in 2015…It’s unfinished yet it still makes sense, even today 4 years later**You log-in just for a sneak peek and the next thing you know? You have been at it for hours! Once in awhile you need your space.You need to back down and just be offline. One fine day,I came across this article on how a people are completely cutting off from anything that is even remotely close to being online(twitter,instagram, facebook,pinterest,quroa etc),online Detoxing,…

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