Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.                                   H. Jackson Brown, Jr.



This one was lying in my draft for days now, I just couldn’t muster the courage to post it! Somehow,today I found it in me to do it, maybe the days gone by have made my heart lighter. Just few lines…. An act of revenge , they said. Is your soul at peace? Do you feel vindicated? 130 and more innocent children massacred in the name of revenge. You had the power to stop it!  Look up , look down, look in…

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I have been busy the entire week, busy, getting inspired, by the countless blogs everywhere. Last week as we were catching up, R insisted that I install Bloglovin, and so I did!Creativity galore, some of the blogs are absolutely breath taking, it also dawned upon me of how, seriously people take this space.Blogs are no longer about just penning down your thoughts, its about attracting the right crowd, getting the traffic and also,but making money. Yup, some big bucks!!Its now…

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The Year of 2014

The Year of 2014

2014 was a year of lot of changes for me, this post is more of personal note to self, years later I would like to relive the moments of  the year gone by, the year of Twenty Fourteen.  On professional front, -After working  for a decade in HP, I decided to call it quits, It wasn’t an easy one to make, but one that needed to be done. In the hindsight, I think its one of the better decisions  that I…

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You know your in your thirties when…

You know your in your thirties when…

After being bombarded with  countless articles on age and such on the net & newspapers alike., out of sheer lack-of-interesting-topics , I decided to try writing one too! I did some serious thinking & came up with the you know your in  your thirties when… *Creative eh?*   Be my guest, I am ready for all bricks and bats *duck* 1. You blatantly refuse to acknowledge your age! how original 2 .You  relate to the agony of those who are 40 plus,…

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Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

S and V were already out and heading for the stairs. I rushed out of my 18th floor apartment, not before grabbing the keys  and an old sweater that was lying around  thank god for common sense. It was the fire alarm,it had been  on for good 5 minutes. The first reaction ,was that of  dismissal, Could be a false one. Ever since V’s birth,we are conscious of safety rules, so when the alarm refused to stop, we rushed out without…

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The Buddy List

The Buddy List

The Buddy List, five types of friends a woman must have, an article  that was featured in Bangalore Times couple of years ago, to be precise in 2010. Sifting through the drafts folder of my older blog, this particular post caught my eye. I decided to rework on it, I have met some amazing people since then and there are those I have lost in touch with, Its only fair that I post my new updated list here. So I did, I…

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Who is to be blamed?

Who is to be blamed?

In last 3 weeks I must have used OLA  at least 10 times, so convenient so easy. Book with just One click and zoom away to your destination. No sweating out trying to hail a rick, or haggling with the driver, free from dust and pollution , all this at unbelievable price. Initially when the word got out about these affordable taxi’s, I was  very apprehensive really a taxi service that frees you from daily kich kich of auto waals. Honestly it…

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The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars

Two days ago I happen to watch The fault in our stars , one of S’s rare recommendation!  Oh, what a lovely movie! You end up wanting to be utterly hopelessly in love, just like  one of my all time fav  you’ve got mail. Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, you just want to fall in love over and over again Omg!! oming back to Fault in our stars,Hazel Grace, the protagonist played by Shailene Woodley is also the narrator, walking us through her story  & Oh,what…

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First Month here!!

First Month here!!

It’s my first month here in the city of Hyderabad and surprisingly the weather has been kind to us!  Yes, I had to start with the weather..well that’s what scared me the most, not the fact that we are moving away from Bangalore, or the fact I won’t have any friends/family/acquaintances , but “Its going to bloody hot”!!  Guess, I’ll just  have to wait for the dreaded summer to feel the real heat,until then, loving the nip in the air….

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Its Zumba all the way Baby!!

Its Zumba all the way Baby!!

V is  already 19 months old and I am still ,sweating it out to get back into shape!! Every time I get on to that weighing scale, hoping against hope for a miracle,I silently offer a  prayer !! If ignoring my plea’s wasn’t enough,it goes on to mock me as well  “You weigh 300gms more than you did last evening!! Good luck lady!!!” Stupid weighing scale, Damn You!! I have been patiently waiting for the remainder of eat-till-you-stuff-yourself -because-your-baby-needs-it  weight ( Honestly, I…

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Baade Aache Lagate Hain Baade Aache Lagate Hain, that’s my current favorite serial aired every day @ 10.30 pm on Sony :). Oh,I love this serial Period. I love the background score!! Not surprised, Its gang’s current favorite topic now , they love shredding my serial apart. Liz choose to gang up with them, she was soo close to being inducted into my camp, guess husband powers overpowered my magic here LOL!!  Just to drive their point, one day they…

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Last 6 months, every few days I would visit my blog, start with a new post, stare blankly and then hit the Design button. I have changed the background countless number of times now!!  I have almost lost the will to write, it was so much more easier  back then. I have been trying hard, very hard. I guess that’s the problem,It isnt coming naturally to me anymore!! I have so many stories and I almost frame a complete para…

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Half of the jaanta alighted at Marathali. There are just few men here and there. Each one waiting for their destination. Its a old rickety bus,the engine sound drowning every sound in its vicinity. The conductor is lurking around the front door.  She had just made herself comfortable when suddenly a figure clad in yellowish salwaar kameez seats herself next to Anusha. Its a tiny seat, sharing one meant that they were tight on space. She doesn’t complain, its a bus one can sit…

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