Perfect Plan: How to get her!

Perfect Plan: How to get her!

While talking to one of my guy friends, we hit upon the topic of how to vow a lady.This led to a very interesting revelation. He shared with me his well defined plan which has a success rate of 99.99%(he claimed 100). I couldn’t stop laughing at the end of it. GUYS!! And to think, we girls fall for most of it soo easily!

He’s given me the permission to put it up here. Presenting to you the perfect plan (I am putting it exactly the way it was told! enjoi!)


  • Smile at her. Next time you see her, let her know you were looking at her, but don’t smile. wait.If She smiles, you know things can move forward, but there is an element of doubt. .Make sure to bump into her , and if she smiles at you this time, its time to make your next move
  • Get her mail id/messenger id anything. Never ask her for it. Use your network. Be smart.
  • Start with a small talk. Invite her for a cup of coffee/tea. But rem’m, don’t do it too fast. Wait. You don’t want her think you like her/ are being desperate! Take your time, when you guys have exchanged lets say 20 mails, and she starts talking without you being the first one to ping her/mail her,that’s when you make the move.
  • Get her to talk, make sure it’s never about work. You have to listen to her.Not hear. Listen. Nod, smile, frown., let her know you get her.( You never know, when she may end up testing you!)
  • Make intelligent conversations. Careful. Choose topics,that gets her interested.
  • When she starts talking, get her to open up. The chances are someday, she’ll open up unconditionally and then you make your next move. (You can always try the emotional move too, just enough that she’s almost tears. Then. offer your shoulder. perfect! a shoulder to cry on.)
  • Hold her hand.If she lets you hold her,she trust you. (If you have surpassed all the above points confidently, this wont be very tough)


While you concentrate on these moves, there are somethings that run across and need to be worked on

  • Dress up, take time to look good.
  • Compliment her. Not always. Be nice and sometimes not so nice. Don’t over do it.
  • Buy her stuff. Start with something small, not expensive. Get her a rose, not a bouquet. You eventually move to bouquet and much more
  • Make sure,you get to know her friends. Pay them enough attention, they’ll be the one’s who will later vouch for you. Of course there is another catch, you keep your options open. You never know, if not the two of you, you may just have the chance to get the other one LOL.
  • Respect them, always! Think dirty, and they’ll sense it. (It’s in our nature to think a li’ll dirty , but if you really like her, you gotta to hold on to your thoughts!)

Finally, when you have reached the last point in the horizontal line, you are in a relationship! You have her.

LOL. Honestly still LOL.

We had to stop here, work beckoned us.He is yet to share the perfect plan on how to ‘loose her’!! You bet, I get it. You’ll soon need to move to the next one, how long can you stick to one! GUYS!!

P.S : Gals, don’t worry, I’ll have the perfect plan out here ,just for you, soon! Anyways we all know,while the guys are thinking they are making the right moves, all this while, we gals are just playing them , aren’t we now!(he he he).

10 thoughts on “Perfect Plan: How to get her!

  1. I don’t think its about adding randomly, there is a smile associated which is remote hint of connection establishment. All these things are anyways compile time. Run time execution might need intelligence & surprises. What u say people…!!! ?

  2. ha ha, that's new. I would really like to see the 'staring' formula working.

    Gautam, I am sure you had a plan too πŸ™‚

    Nam, You bet, they always they think they do

  3. oh i dont know ! Looks like a lot of hardwork here. My theory is pretty plain and has worked quite well most of the times. ( okay i dont wanna get into what happened when it didnt work).

    Step 1: Stare!
    Step 2: Stare!
    Step 3: Keep staring!

    This WILL get her attention no matter what.

    Do this for a few days and then stop staring! Now dont stare for a few days.Now this will kill her.

    Then start smiling at her. Now she is relieved πŸ™‚ Then the coffee thingy…..uh no emails please!

  4. love this

    ..but one thing i disagree with

    i dont know if its just me or if theres others out there that prefer when the guy asks YOU for your email or msn or phone number.. instead of randomly adding you out of the blue..that would make me think hes creepy! hehehe

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