Pizza Hut, Kormanagala 80 Ft. Road(actually anywhere)

Pizza Hut, Kormanagala 80 Ft. Road(actually anywhere)

This one needs no introduction. What needs a special mention though,is the service.Young guys/gals( They are not waiters, who just wait upon you, they do a lot more than just that!) serving pizzas with a smile.You hardly see a grim face around, full on energy, they go that extra mile to ensure your meal is special. Introducing themselves with their first names, helping you with the endless list (check out the latest MENU). serving you the order within the promised time .All this , when the place is jam packed,throng of people coming and going. The customary “Thank you” when the bell goes bong.The bell is like a part of the team and not just an inanimate thing hanging from the ceiling, people just love ringing it.

Delhi Pizza Hut, have gone one step ahead. They dance for you. While you are relishing your pizza, suddenly a group of guys break into this synchronized item number. Free entertainment aur mast kahan aur kya chaiye :). Check out the video

About 2 years ago, we were in one of hut’s, waiting for our thin crust pizza, due to some goof up, we ended up with no thin crust, while the guys who had walked in like 15-20 minutes later got our order. Fuming,we gave an earful to the management, and were all ready to walk away . When this guy who was to serve us goes on his knees and says sorry, WOW! that was embarrassing , for US! if that wasn’t enough they give us free desserts and a gift coupon for thin crust pizza!It thought that was sweet, over the top for an apology, nevertheless I came out all happy.

I did get a chance to visit Bangkok last year (lucky by chance), we were put up in Marriott (in down town). Bang opposite our hotel was Pizza Hut. We were elated, at least we’ll know what exactly goes on pizza( I had a tough time adjusting to local food there) The quality was up to standard and as usual pizza’s were mouth watering, but it wasn’t a happy place, no smile, no hello’s. Order a pizza, pay up and walk away.

Here in India Pizza Hut’s are synonymous to being happy, feel happy, eat happy and of course put on loads of weight :).

Menu card should be inviting, and this one does one hell of a job at that.Pic of pizza’s talk to you “You want me, you need me….eat me!” (not literally, LOL). The are so tempting, and the options are sooo many. To add to all the foodie confusion, there are soups, pastas, salads ufff.

RingO , try this one, its different, its a garlic and oregano flavored mixture on the crust. The cessar salad is as good as you may find in of the finest Italian restaurants. Pasta, i have heard are not bad either.The Punjabi style tadak is very tempting. Each one has a distinct flavor, try something new each time you visit ;)!

The non veg pizza’s can do with more non veg on the base, after all thats what we pay more for. I wouldn’t say the prizes are reasonable, they are rather affordable. There are combos ranging from 99 to 199 customized more for college crowd. The prices vary from 50 to as high as 500.

Pizza Hut, treats its customers literally like Kings/Queens, they follow the saying “Customers are God” to the T.

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