Pooja aka Sony

Pooja aka Sony

“You can write about this guy with messy desk and not about your sis who you have know since her birth!” Please meet my li’ll sister Pooja. I have finally given into her coaxing.

She is a typical Pisces, super moody , loves to dress up,would rather spend on loved ones than herself, cries at drop of a hat,sensitive, caring and a very beautiful person at heart.

She has transformed from this tomboy into a pretty young woman. She suddenly was this matured young adult Working at IBM Canada as Business Development Consultant , she has been working since she was a teenager from shoe stores to admin assistant to communications consultant where she was chosen one of best 3 consultants in their stores all over Canada. We (all of us back here) were so proud of her!

One thing that I distinctly remember her is her hair, she was the only one among the 11 of us who had curly hair(naani’s side). Every summer, it was ritual, Titu( our cuz brother) and she had to have this huge fight where all hell broke loose, crying, throwing stuff, and more crying LOL. She less of a girl and more of a tomboy. To add to her irritation, Renu and I never included her in our talks, this li’ll followed us everywhere trying really hard to get in. I think she hated us back then! ha ha ha.Then they left for Bahrain,and later settled in Canada.

She was the first one who knew about Saurabh and Naren! After spending time with us in B’lore , she lands in Belgaum and over the phone (ma is around) “Hows Saurabhi” and “Hows Narini” LOL, that’s how creative she got! Like Ma wouldn’t get it. OMG that was funny.

Sonu and I have more in common than just being first cousins, we share the same b’day 21st Feb. You bet, We are scaringly similar in many ways.We have bonded more as sisters in these last few years than we ever did.

Would love to have her around this year too!

One thought on “Pooja aka Sony

  1. mwah mwah mwah
    and i never hated u and renu everrrr
    always looked upto u
    finally u guys let me in on ur secrets and i dont feel so left out anymore! 😛

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