Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

There is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake, and a person who hurts you by continuing a pattern. Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken“- somebody on Instagram !

Just one of those days when a Instagram gives you these pearls of wisdom that lead you down the path of introspection.

Now, when I started blogging again this year, one of my early posts was about one such incident in particular where I finally decided to break the pattern, not forgive just not encourage that behavior anymore.

The aftermath of my one action led to severing of ties between us. In all honesty, I hadn’t seen that coming! I needed some space in the said relationship and I did exactly that.

There are always two people in a relationship, while I thought I was subtlety cutting down a pattern, the other in this relationship instead perceived it as betrayal. It became a dangerous game of ego, no one was spared.

It is so disappointing, the silence has long filled the void, the deal is done.

Oh yes, I always go back and question my actions. Wonder if I acted in haste, but then I am reminded of the “peaceful” me.

Am I proud of myself? Heck yes! I choose to break a “pattern”. Relationships come with a expiry date, some serve their purpose early, some later.

Just one of those days, when you go down the road of introspection and come out smiling and pat yourself “I am proud of you!!

3 thoughts on “Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

  1. I’m not understanding what you are saying here? What is your point?
    Were you in a bad relationship? Did the other person harm you? Did you explain why you cut ties? Did you try to resolve your issues before you did?
    What was the mistake?
    What was the pattern?

    1. Hi Sarah, thank you so much for stopping by. The reasons can be many but the point is when you feel that the pattern is repeated again and again and it’s hurting you , it’s always better to break away from the pattern. You may choose to stay back and help the other person see your point but sometimes that’s not enough. Choose your happiness and peace any day . 😊

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