Rant : Ramblings

Rant : Ramblings

Good afternoon folks. I am here to rant, I am here to talk anything but children and family.

Its been a while since I have come here and jotted down this funny conversation I had with a friend or S which kept me in splits for the entire day. Or spoke about that interesting piece of news that caught my eye or that Instagram post/reel that perfectly resonated with how I feel about certain situations.

I just want to come here and write about those mundane conversations , the ones that end up turning into a interesting story.

When I rebooted this blog of mine I hadn’t in wildest dreamed imagined it turning into a family blog! Off late most of my posts are filled with stories of my girls and my dog Ginger. And omg I love writing posts about us . This here is my virtual memory book ! It haunts me to no end when I am not up to date with all our events πŸ˜‚!

I have a playlist of songs that I to listen to on repeat, like how! But then there are these days in between when the same playlist that gives me such immense joy completely fails me.

What I think I am trying to say is and not doing a great job at saying it, is that It’s fun to sometimes to mix up things, bring in a newness to your routine.

And yet when my routine is disturbed for more than a couple of days it annoys me to no end and I go back to seeking the same old routine . Gosh.

Today is one such day where I am not motivated enough to write about family . I mean I haven’t even covered V’s jump from single digit to double digit. Of course it will be documented soon 😜.

Now, I had hoped to scribble away something more interesting or thought provoking😢 ? Alas my brain cells are failing me yet again! Even as I am writing this post all I can think of is the last weekend’s Dandiya night and how that needs to be documented before I forget the details πŸ™„πŸ˜„.

So what is it? What is that I am seeking ? Rant over. Let me know if any of this made any sense to you πŸ˜‚. See you all soon with not-a-rant post !

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves” ~Buddha

2 thoughts on “Rant : Ramblings

  1. So.., you ended up writing a thought provoking blog about how sometimes you want to write about something thought provoking? Serious Meta level thinking here! Achievement unlocked!

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