Road Trip In RV-Part 2:The Campsite

Road Trip In RV-Part 2:The Campsite

Hello, did you just land on this post? Well, let me make a suggestion to read the The Beginning,where I talk about the planning and packing,this here is the continuation of our journey from after we left home for Ocean Shores.

Remember our vacation to Seabrooks ? Well Ocean Shores is next door to Seabrooks.

First Hour in RV

Five minutes into our drive and we heard a loud thud.The apple juice box that N had so lovingly picked up to share with everyone at the campground had come flying right out of the fridge as we turned left from the signal. Well,in all the chaos as I pushed the last item the “juice” into the fridge,I forgot to secure the door properly.πŸ˜₯

I cringed as I saw the sticky juice rolling down towards the driver space.We stopped at the nearest gas station to clean up the sticky mess and to double check all the doors once again before we hit the road.

Cruise America RV Road Trip

Remember the part “Secure everything properly you are on the move,yeah that was an afterthought of this incident πŸ˜‚.

The Drive

Once on the freeway,the RV screen door started to rattle,the sound was rather loud and quite annoying.Googled and found out that this is a common problem and the easiest fix is to add a piece of cloth between the screen door and the main door. Well that had to wait till we got out of the city 😀.

We, girls and I wanted to go sit on the bed,do the RV thing when in a RV! Well?

The super alert-eyes-glued-to-the-road S didn’t let us move an inch from our seats“everyone sits ,no one is moving” came the orders.The only time we dared to move was to use the toilet,which was an adventure in itself!

V was already on the edge with her motion sickness and pain from her brand new braces and when she heard NO Moving,as expected we had a show of water works πŸ˜‘.

Ms. N on the other hand was giggling and humming.Oh my,like she was on a vacation of her dreams.I don’t know what she was high on, but that moment I wanted some of it πŸ˜‚.

Phew!I was running low on patience after the juice mess and now the water works, luckily some home baked banana bread came to our rescue!

An hour into our trip,we were finally enjoying ourselves playing Bear-Tuna-Mosquito LOL a upgraded version of Rock-Paper-Scissors!As for S? Well,we simply ignored his existence and let him play the stern driver role πŸ˜†.

Stop Over at Olympia

Once out of city, S finally relaxed!It took us longer than anticipated to get out of the city thanks to the Friday evening traffic.Tummies had begun growling,kids were feasting on snacks.We ditched our plans to eat dinner at Ocean shores and instead stopped at Olympia for quick Taco Bell dinner.

Oh,the kids were thrilled to see each other. We stayed there for about an hour trying out one taco after another and Mr. S finally fixed the rattling door.

Fun fact, while we had barely managed our drive to Olympia,Satya and her kids on the other hand had, had a blast spending most of their drive on the bed!!

Well that was it!!The message was promptly relayed to the driver with some glares from me 🀣and finally at Olympia we were given a go ahead to roll on the bed while on the move.

Dinner later,we continued directly to Ocean Shores,this time with the girls on the bed ,me in the front and a smile on S‘s face and .Drive from here on was a breeze!

Ocean Shores

We reached our campsite,a little past 10pm.Parking this giant wasn’t an easy task,I tried guiding S but just made it worseπŸ˜›.Obviously Satya and Kiran stepped in, just one of those days,when nothing seems to go your way!

Once parked,they spent some time trying to connect the RV to the electric and dump points and finally little after 11pm we said our good nights and retreated to sleep in the RV.It had been a long ride and I was so ready to just lie down!


S and N shared the bunk bed while V and I took the queen.Our campsite was just few meters away from the beach, it was cold windy night and our RV was swaying with every gust of wind,which reminded me of old days when we travelled in train!! Those were some days,the train journey,sitting atop the bunk seat eating spiced cucumber carelessly looking at the passing sight as we headed to my grandma’s town to spend our summer holidays.

While girls and I slept like logs,S was tossing for most part as I had forgotten to carry his pillow.

Morning scene however started on happier chrippier note.We had a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs,toast and tea by the chef S ,the girls couldn’t wait to go to beach with their friends.

Toilet scenes were not as happy.Think of the restrooms in airplanes just with an attached shower.Anyhow I managed to take shower in the bathroom,just to take in the experience of bathing in RV.I am too sure if I would like to do it again!

Satya on the other hand was enjoying every bit of RV just like my N!She used RV facilities to the fullest and all the while we had this smile pasted on her face!!

Breakfast later,we all headed to the beach.It was a warm day,there was sand, water, clear skies a win-win for the kids. Dads and older ones went kite flying while the little ones settled in for sand castles.I was happy sitting close to the little ones, all cozy and warm capturing their moments.

Soon it was time for lunch.Luckily for all of us,between Satya and me we had planned out the meals quite well.

We didn’t want spend our time cooking in RV, so we carried few pre cooked dishes from home along with the frozen parathas and rotis.Between us we took 4-5 precooked meals and Satya had her instant pot for hot rice.

After lunch, the kids were ready for second round of beach.This time it was all about horse riding.The girls went on an hour long ride along with their dads and the little ones and mommies settled down for second round of sand castles and frisbee.

We spent most of our day outside the RV and and I realized I was loving the whole experience when I wasn’t in RV.RV hadn’t done the magic I had imagined.And this was just the second day in to our trip, we still had two more days at the next campsite.

How did it go at the next campsite?Did we make it to the next campsite?Find out here in the third and final post RV Road Trip-Part 3:The conclusion.

4 thoughts on “Road Trip In RV-Part 2:The Campsite

  1. Loved this! Fun read and very informative for the rest of us who haven’t yet checked this item off!

    1. Thank you, I am glad you found some useful information here.RV is an experience one must try at least once 😊

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