Road Trip in RV-Part 3: The conclusion

Road Trip in RV-Part 3: The conclusion

The first two parts of our trip is covered in The Beginning and The Campsite,this here is the final part of our road trip.

Back To Campsite

Soon the temperatures dropped and it was time to head back to campsite.We retreated into our RV’s to change into fresh clothes and in came the sand with the girls, eventually ending on the bed!

As the skies turned a shade darker,the men headed to get logs for the campfire and while the kids huddled up in our RV for board games.

Campfire was an interesting project,it took youtube videos and whole bunch of trials and finally looking at the neighbors campfire to figure out the trick before we got ourselves a glowing fire.After that the men couldn’t stop grinning for the rest of the evening “I have created fire” 😂.

It was a cold night and the warmth from the fire made for a perfect spot for dinner.Finally at 9pm when the youngest one gave the loudest of the yawns we said our goodnights.The boys stayed a tad longer,admiring their glowing campfire.

Next Morning

While the original plan was to come back on a Tuesday,S and I decided to head back home from Ocean Shores the next day.Honestly?I think I had, had my fill of RV experience.I may have also mentioned to S on our way back from beach “I love being in nature,I just love it more when the experience comes with all the luxury” 🤐😛.

The girls did throw in a small protest and just for a moment I even reconsidered continuing to the next campsite but when I realized that I forgotten to carry V’s clothes for the rest of the trip,I knew it was a sign from the universe.We were going to head home.

Satya wished we could continue for one more day but my heart was all set for home.After tons of selfies and hugs we left for home and they headed to the next camping site.

The next campsite was in Olympic National Park, nestled in jungle. They had ton of fun exploring the trails and waterfalls the next two days.They returned on Monday via ferry.

I was happy to head home,girls were on the bed till Olympia where we stopped for a lunch at McDonald’s.

We reached home by 3pm and then started the Unloading and Laundry.What kind of a traveller are you?I am the kind who has to unpack and put things back into the place on the same day! Omg,I washed the blankets,the bed spreads,the pillow covers,jackets everything that had set foot in the RV.The dishwasher ran a load of clean vessels that we had used in RV.

By the time the girls had their shower and everything was in place it was close to 7pm!I was done for the day!

Final Verdict

How did Mr. S find the whole experience? He didn’t mind it but he wasn’t blown away with the whole experience.It just was a lot of work for a such a short trip.

How about the girls? Ms. N loved it ,Ms.V thought the space was too small and not clean so RV wasn’t fun but the camping part totally rocked!

Finally me? I enjoyed the camping and the company but the part of being in such a small space and going crazy about cleaning just got to me more than it should have!So I guess for me campings are going to once in a while thing!I am happy to have experience the whole RV thing and don’t really look forward to it until next year!

Cruise America RV Road Trip

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