

Women love shopping.Try as hard as we may, the temptation is soo stong, that we are pulled right back to it.It’s something, we just cannot see ourselves,not doing LOL!For us, Shopping is pretty much like our best friend, we can trust it to give us company, keep us occupied for hours together, keep us happy and pep us up when we are sad , just that, we gotta spend tiny miny(Ok, sometime a li’ll more than tiny miny)of money(but it’s totally worth it!)

I don’t go over board with stuff, but then there are earrings, perfumes and watches that I just cant resist! At the end of the day, if we look pretty,then every penny spent is worth it ( I soo know most of you guys would like to voice your opinion about this, LOL!!)

I bought myself a beautiful pair of silver earrings for a whopping amount of 1200rs he he he(these are the same one’s in the photo, “stolen hairband”), and I coaxed Divya into buying one for 1400rs. There is this thing about him, he never stops me from buying,in fact there are times when I think its way too expensive, he goes behind my back and gets it for me :). He always tells me “If you like it, take it” . I take his this piece of advise seriously ;)(Oh I know, he regrets it sometimes LOL)

He is soo responsible for spoiling me. Last year, when I was in Singapore, I was in that typical frame of mind,I ain’t spending a penny , I soo gotta to save. I saw this beautiful pair of shoes, and was soo tempted,but then I fought hard, and headed straight back to hotel. Gave him a call, and he tells me “Do you really think that money will make a difference. Go spend, shop and enjoy yourself” I was just waiting for that LOL, not only did I go buy those shoes, I bought myself a sweater, and then in Bangkok, I bought earrings, dresses for anvita,divya, stuff for mom and just a tiny li’ll thing for him LOL.Oh no, we shopped for him here. And with all this shopping, we were put in Marriott,I went ahead and treated myself to their chocolate evenings 20$ per person!(range of choco’s cake, biscuits!!).

There is this trick that never fails you, and I bet most of the girls have already tried it on their dad, lover or husband LOL! Its called the famous ‘pull your face look’,it soo works! Just sit in front of them with this look for couple of mins, ,add li’ll tears and you’ll get whatever you want! I have tried it soo many times on dad during school, college, and, on him, plenty a times, it has worked every time for me LOL!! (Know when to use it,you know what I mean ;)!)
Now wait a sec, I am not saying take undue advantage of their love, but then sometimes you just gotta to do what you gotta do.

Men, I know you love it when we spend your money, you are just afraid of admitting it! Someone’s gotta appreciate your hard work,and wouldn’t you like some “me” time too? What better way, then letting the women in your life to do some shopping, you get the “me” time, (coz we are soo occupied), and at the end of the day, we justify the money spent by looking great LOL!!

Secretly, though we love shopping, its not always for ourselves, we love doing for our loved ones too :). It’s just that we just end up loving ourselves more as we shop ha ha ha! OMG!!

P.S: I think half of my blogs off late are filled with “soo”, “totally”, “LOL!!” and the “he he he, and ha ha ha” LOL!! I cant help it, I write they way I speak, its just the way I am, but i’ll try and cut down on the LOL’s!!

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