Sledding Day 2021

Sledding Day 2021

 We finally checked off “sledding” from our bucket list of winter-things-to-do-every-year!

Constant reminders followed by accusations of-being-unfair or no fair topped with  extra drama from a certain 8 year old for over a month now, finally forced us into making that trip to  Leavenworth.  The drive was breath taking, It’s like one of those stunning winter wonderland kind of drive that you always watch in movie  and what made it perfect was that we had a visit from Mr. Sun himself. 

It was gorgeous day to be out. Fun have she did. Just as Yoda would say it.

Its a different thing, that  the way back home wasn’t as much fun, having being stuck in a traffic jam for over 3 hours! Was it all worth it ? You bet , 2 hours of pure unaltered  fun for the girls and dad alike! 

This would be the first year since we moved to the States in early January of 2016  that we have hadn’t had a proper snow fall well definitely not enough to take those Instagram-worthy-snow-angel kind of pics of your adorable kids! Guilty as charged 

We did get a teaser of sorts last month. By next morning there were hardly any remnants of the last evenings snow fall and  someone’s little heart  was broken into pieces as she stood in front of our big window ,watching it the rest of it  melt away! Dramatic much !

Seattle weather has been teasing us with extreme low temps and ❆ icons ever so often in the weekly weather predictions , only to give us crazy winds and incessant downpour.

 I believe curious mouse’s for the lack of better adjective. I’ll soon come up with something more apt? affair with snow started one eventful night of 2016,  it was our first winter in Seattle. A perfect winter night , all was calm and then she saw her first flurries. I am pretty sure it was love at first sight Oh, the excitement in the air was palpable, she was jumping, squeaking with joy. 

The next morning, we decked up in our newest winter gear which really was a  just down jacket and a  pair of winter boots and  hurried down  to play in the white fluffy lump that had adorned everything in sight the previous night. The snow flurries were still going strong.

Alas, the flurries were turning into water and not much of last night’s sight remained. Disappointed as I  turned to head back, there was a little  delighted squeak, she had found some almost invisible snow on the bonnet of one of the cars parked out in open and before I knew, she was taking her first lick of snow flurry which I highly suspect was  full of dirt and mud. 

Presenting exhibit A for your examination.


In all  honestly it was hardly any snow to be excited about , but for the 4 year old decked in her pink pajamas and neon pink jacket and furry boots, licking those flurries from a strangers car meant the world !!

“Imagine if you could bottle a memory like a scent. Then, whenever you wanted you could open it and relive that moment all over again” not mine,  courtesy Rebecca (2020) movie

I could bottle this moment!! For the last two years we have been treated with snow fall  Heavy snow fall by Seattle standards and when it did our schools would take the week off , which always meant more snow time for her and her sister.

It never helped that right in front of our house is this open space belonging to a high school that turns into a sledding slope overnight. And when you are treated to the sight of kids sledding down the slope from your kitchen window, in  a continuous loop I have spotted teenagers at insane hours read 12 am sledding down the hill, you really are left with little to no choice. You have to  take yours to have fun while you shiver your ass off in the snow like seriously

Her partner in crime, mouse 2, gets every bit excited just looking at her sister go crazy in snow and that’s like adding fuel to the fire! For as long as they are home, we visit the slope at least once every day, until I give up and refuse to suffer in that bitter cold. 

Presenting exhibit B , this is mouse 2 resting up , watching the older sister sled down that slope.

Ever since that night of 2016, we do everything “snowy” every winter. Sledding, snow balls, snow man , just about everything under the sun or not that curious mind of hers can conjure.

Given the fun she’s had in last 3-4 years, it was inevitable that this year had to be matched up or at least a genuine effort had to be made to appease her snowy demons and thus we made the trip to Leavenworth.
Finally striking sledding off  from our list-of-things-to-do-every-winter! 

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