

*Recent presentation was nothing but a disappointment,

1. Presenter got a tad too nervous, which seemed to pull down the whole presentation
2. The expectations weren’t set, with just few months of experience on this tool, the questions overshadowed the intent.
3.Finally, I couldn’t showcase my beautiful first ever written code.

*’breathing down my neck’ this phrase seems to be fit perfectly in my current work sphere. I can’t complain , I cant glout! I am not too sure how long will I take this?

*Had a huge,pointless cold war with S, which lasted only for couple of hours! So much for a fight. I spend all my energy getting angry, and sometimes it doesn’t even last for 15 mins. Couple of hours is an achievement here.

*I think Supreme power wants me to practice the art of ‘Silence’. It would take an explosion in the house for my roomie to say something. Hours go by, before I hear her say something, anything. No joking,she is one quite, content in her own company, kinda girl. Miss S, especially when I wanted to have an hour long animated chat!

*This weekend, drove down to Gufa, restaurant in Jayanagar.Had a great time there. Four girls, all dressed up, in a red swift,was quite a treat to those wandering eyes(just like in movies LOL)

*After a long time watched latest episodes of Heroes and Prison break back to back.

*Heard, read and watched ZooZoo’s 🙂

*Met this sweet girl at work, she gives me company when I want to run away from work

*She makes my day everytime I meet her. She says the nicest things about to me, to me :). I actually heard myself telling her “S hasn’t said such sweet things to me” . she compliments on my audacity, attitude, fights with “D” 🙂 this and of course , on how ‘lovely I look’.(ahem ahem, now before you get any ideas, girls sometimes,do appericate other girls!!)


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