Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

You read all about about Curious’s love affair with snow and how we were missing it this year in Sledding Day 2021 . For her sake, I really wanted it to snow.

Well my prayers were finally answered and how! To give you an idea, as per official records, this was highest snow recorded in Seattle in last 52 years. Unlike the heavy windy snow we witnessed last year, we were treated to lighter, calmer snowfall this year.

Dreamy fluffy marshmallow white snowflakes slowly started descending upon us on Friday evening, embracing everything that came in their path, turning our world into a white wonderland one snowflake at a time.

We woke up to a breathtaking view on Saturday morning , I for one stood mesmerized at the sight of glistening white beauty. I am thankful for technology , that let’s you relive these moments but some moments just need to be felt. This was one such morning.

Curious was the first one to be up on Saturday morning, I found her face stuck to the window that faces our backyard , marveling at the white goodness that awaited her. So awestruck was she at the sight of snow, that she didn’t even notice my presence if only I got to see this focus when it came to her homework.

Little followed an hour later, excited, screaming her lungs out “Snow snow snow”. Luckily for the girls, it was also the start of their week long mid winter break and snow was just the icing on the cake they had been waiting for.

Soon after their breakfast the girls rushed out to play, all decked in their snow gear, which included warmers, fleece clothing, extra sweaters, snowsuits ,woolen socks, mittens, scarfs, beanies and snow boots. Phew.

And five minutes later, Little was back in, she had to go pee pee. Seriously ? It took me 20 minutes to get her ready!! Anyhow, a look from mama and pee pee later she was back in backyard.

Heavier by at least 2-4 pounds because of the gear, Little is always a sight to watch in the snow as she wobbles around like a teddy bear. At one point, Little decided she had , had enough with the walking and just plopped herself on snow thinking snow angel would be easier, only she couldn’t get up later. It took all her will to just stand back up LOL.

Were was I? I was inside with S ,all warm and cozy, capturing this moment, enjoying the little show and laughing my heart out.

What is snow day without a few Instagram boomerangs and snow angels to go back too when all has melted away. If It were to me, I would step out only to take few pics for memories before rushing back in.

Alas, there is sledding and it can’t be done without the help from grownups!

As early as 6am, the slope next to our house, starts to fill up with colorful bright sleds, kids big and small, even the tiny tots all decked in their snow gear ready for some fun in snow.

We and by that I mean S, lugged the kids to the hill on their sled. The girls were already exhausted with all the play in the backyard, just few rounds of sledding later Curious and Little were done. Finally the magic of snow had faded for the day.

On Sunday girls had a blast as we went in a little early, snow man, snow balls, snow angels ,rolling down and sledding umpteen times. After good 3 hours and heart full with snow and sledding, Curious finally declared she was done for good.

Yay! I couldn’t wait to get back to the warmth of our house. Valentines day was spent catching up on Harry Potter movies and yummy Italian food.

As I sat down for my tea, I saw from the window, the flurries swirling in the air as if they were performing a perfect synchronized dance, it all looked so beautiful and just for one second, I was tempted to step out again and feel them on my face. The tiny fluffy pearls of heaven and then…

I remembered the nail biting cold, I am done for this year. By Sunday evening, we were back to rains. Finally snow bid us adieu giving the kids 2 full days of fun and frolic.

The snowsuits are securely packed and hidden away from those prying eyes. Let the snow boots gather the dust until next year, this mama is not moving from her couch.

Bye Snow. See you next year! How was your experience? Did you go out and sled ?

8 thoughts on “Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

  1. Very beautiful written and documented a snow day. It would be lovely to come back and read this on another day and relive the memories 😀😊

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