Spring Break 2021

Spring Break 2021

After a week long break,the girls went back to school today! Can you tell that I am smiling ear to ear as I write this post ?😁.While the break was good,I am happy to get some time to write without the girls hovering around me.

Having and caring for children is like being on an adventure.You better jump in with all your wit and energy or they’ll devour you at the first chance they get πŸ˜‚.Do you agree or agree?

We started our break on a rather cold note spending time mostly indoors,thankfully for the Easter Egg Hunt it started on a fun note.Girls kept busy reading,watching and when not doing either of those,fighting!

Do you often break up the fights?Well I have done the nice-mommy,the not-nice-mommy,the referee-mommy,the role that I absolutely love though is playing the deaf-mommy.As long no one screams blood,i am happy to just stay put πŸ˜‚!

All in all they kept themselves rather quite entertained!In between those fights we caught up on the Marvel series,well I caught up,for S and the girls it was just replay.Yes,even N knows her superheroes and their powers.Go figure!

Goofing around after the hunt

On sunny Tuesday afternoon we took off to a close by school to spend all the pent up energy that was building since Saturday.Luckily for us the school’s track was open,the girls had a blast running and monkeying around the tracks.

By Friday the girls were feeling much better and at last we stepped out to enjoy the last few days of the break.

The first thing we did was visit the Japanese Garden in Seattle.This was our first visit to the garden,I don’t know if it was the golden fishes or the colorful spread of flowers or perhaps the serenity of the place or just getting a chance to step out,we found ourselves thoroughly enjoying the garden as we strolled down the winding paths mid afternoon.

There is a play park right next to the garden and after 15 months of constantly saying no to play parks,we finally let the girls loose!Needless to say V and N called it the best day of their break πŸ˜›.

On our way back we stopped by at Bothell Landing park as the girls were not yet done.They were milking their day out!

Yesterday was marvellously bright and warm day and we made the best of it by visiting yet another park called the Marymoor Park.

We called it day by watching Finding a Nemo and treating ourselves to some yummy Mediterranean food.

Marymoor Park
Running to tag Papa as V takes a break in the background

All in all a fun end to the spring break!

2 thoughts on “Spring Break 2021

  1. That’s much fun .. it’s hard to keep them busy on vacation.. I totally agree with you.. glad u guys enjoyed..

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