Spring Break 2022

Spring Break 2022

And I am back with our spring break post! A very happy morning to all of you. Here is wishing you all great fun week leading into May. Can you believe it, in less than a week we will be stepping into the fifth month of 2022 😯. How are you doing on those resolutions?

Are you doing good on the promises you made to yourself at starting of this year. It’s time to assess and reflect and may be tweak the goals a bit?

If you are not where you wanted to be, do not fret about it, If you are showing up everyday and giving your best even on a worst day, that there shows your commitment towards your promise. I am trying and I hope you do too πŸ’•.

Spring Break 2022

How was your spring break 2022? Our break was from April 11th -April 17th, that week we saw heavy rainfall, hail storms, more hail storms, snow flurries and yes a warm sunny day right in the end ! Seattle will never stop to amaze me with it’s weather antics.πŸ˜› *For someone who is on her 6th year in Seattle I do moan a lot about the weather! Note to self, stop it*

This year we went to Seabrook *yes again* for the spring break. From the first time that we visited Seabrook in February of 2021 for mid winter break we were back here for the spring break. I told you someone in this house loves beaches!

Spring in Seabrook

The first Sunday of the break we left for Seabrook stopping on the way at Costco to fill gas and a quick lunch of pizza. It took us two and half hours to reach Seabrook. We were in Seabrook by 4pm and checked in promptly into our house for three days “Ocean Eyrie“.

It was no Bramble Berry, a house with a hidden attic full of toys or Crab pot in Seaside, a Airbnb where we found cupboards full of crayons ,coloring books and the legendary seven little clues. It was cute little beach town home without any of the aforementioned bells and whistles.

V has a *opinion* about almost anything under the sun these days(you know exactly what I mean mamas of nine, ten year old’s, don’t you !) and she expressed it loud and clear. “This is not a kid friendly house“!

The disappointment of *expectations* aside, we had a joyful time at Ocean Eyrie. On this break we caught up on movies. The girls enjoyed watching the Shrek film series. Have you watched Shrek? Do you enjoy watching animated movies? I do!

Fun in Seabrook

Shrek is among one of my favorite animated movies of all time. Why? “Donkey aka Eddie Murphy” !! How can you not love that character, he is the funniest and most adorable character of the movie with the quirkiest dialogues.

McDonald’s opened its first store in Bangalore in the year 2004. That year they were giving Shrek figurines with their Happy Meals .Ask me, go on ask me how many happy meals I ate there?

In first two months I collected almost all of the Shrek collection : Shrek, Donkey, Gingerbread man, Donkey’s dragon-donkey babies and more πŸ˜‚ !

I took so good care of them until years later came along baby V with her tiny exploring hands, and well do you really need me to say the rest πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ͺ? RIP my toys.

The first night in Seabrook we stayed indoors, catching up on Shrek Forever After and shrimp tacos for dinner. Seabrook really needs to up its restaurants game. If you are going to Seabrook, do carry some staples and if you want to try restaurants go to Ocean shores which is just 20 minutes drive away for more tastier options!

Magic Monday

In February of 2021, on our first visit everything was closed due CoVID. This year the town was open and bustling with people and activities planned to keep the families busy all through the week. The swimming pool was open and we had a great time there.

The guest services had activities planned for every day of the week anticipating guests for spring and Easter break. On Monday we attended “Magic Monday” which was quite entertaining as the magician kept the kids in splits.

Thankfully Monday turned out to be quite a warm day and we made the most of it by staying outdoors for most part of it by hiking the trails, hit the beach, stopping at the play park and dipping in to the pool later in the evening.

Tag Tuesday

On “Tag Tuesday” in a group consisting mainly of children, I think I managed some kills in sniper mode πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†. I could be sniper someday you guys! 😜 Excited V was back at playing tag there after lunch at Ocean Shores. Tuesday was a cold day with hail storms making a appearance every few hours, we stayed indoors and stepped out only to go to the pool.

Swim Time

Evenings were spent in the warm water pool. Yes, I should have been in the water!! I forgot my swimsuit at home!! It sucked. Little N enjoyed the most in the pool . This is first time she didn’t complain about the water being cold. Here in this pool she stayed in for two hours, excited to go back again next day.

Three nights went by in a blink of an eye and it was time to head back to Seattle. Spring break started on a fun note. Girls loved the pool and all the activities, Ginger was happy to run on the beach and we were happy to be out of home!!

The spring break concluded with husband’s birthday and mini Easter egg hunt I organized for the girls at home.

 “A person must never cease striving to enjoy life. It takes wit, interest, and energy to be happy.” –Kilroy J. Oldster

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