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Tag: AnushaIsinaMood

Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew

What is your favorite memory of you reading a book? asked Rana, grabbing a Nancy Drew from the shelf. Laila was taken aback by this innocent yet thought provoking question from her 10 year old daughter. Rana was going through this phase where every other sentence coming from her began with “What is your favorite….”. “hmm.. that’s an interesting question. Let me think for a minute…” said Laila. Most days Laila would say something silly in response and Rana would…

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Rambling: Thankful For Today

Rambling: Thankful For Today

Isn’t it a beautiful day today? I am thankful for today and loving the vibes January 11th is offering to me . You can say I am excited for today because yesterday wasn’t as bright and beautiful for me. I wasn’t feeling up to it. Everything seemed rather dull and gray. There was a heaviness in my heart that I couldn’t explain away. I found myself lost in my thoughts, trying to play catch up with should have been just…

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Being Consistent

Being Consistent

Good morning, hello hello ! Let’s chat, shall we? Let’s talk about being consistent! Been more than a minute since we last spoke! Hmm.. more like three weeks🤐 . The old me would have apologized for not coming here. Trust me that “old me” is still very much tempted to do that. But I am not going let her do that, because if I could make the time I would have done that already ! Right now I am doing…

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