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Tag: Dog

Our puppy is 6 months old!

Our puppy is 6 months old!

Merry Christmas ,do you celebrate Christmas? Well we drove down in snow and rain from cold Seattle to cold Seaside town in Oregon , our home for next three days. The girls are watching Jumanji for the first time while Ginger is cozying up next to S‘s feet as he prepares our dinner as I put finishing touches to this post from Crab Pot -our beach cottage. Just one week left to new year, are you excited for 2022? Wouldn’t…

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Ginger is here – Part 2

Ginger is here – Part 2

If you landed here first, then you may want to catch up on Part 1! So continuing from where we left, here is how I got convinced … So What happened? Now all was going well until V came home one day and told us about Edu! Edu is V’s classmate’s Labradoodle pup who came to school all of last year and of course V saw him everyday and heard stories about him everyday. Yes that is how the Universe…

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Ginger is here – Part 1

Ginger is here – Part 1

Well the secret has been out for a while now and it only made sense that I let you all in on it too. Without much further ado, presenting to you , drums rolls…. ✨GINGER , our lab doodle pup✨. The newest kid on the block! Seriously my camera roll right now is filled with her pictures and shenanigans!! This fluffy ball of joy with two buttons for eyes has been keeping us busy for a over a month! Last…

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