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Tag: family

Fake Father’s Day 2021

Fake Father’s Day 2021

The day of 6th June 2021 will go down in our family history as one of the best Father’s Day ever! No,seriously unless we top it up with another major blooper this it! Oh,yes you read it right, it was one big BLOOPER (Capitalizing for all the dramatic effects!). We celebrated Father’s day, with all the zing zang bang bang on Sunday 6th June,good two weeks earlier than the actual International Father’s day ,June 21st,because.. Well let me just layout…

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And she’s a black belt!

And she’s a black belt!

Drum rolls … is our very own 1st Dan Black Belt Ms. V! Last time I wrote a post she had just moved ranks, step closer to Black belt , she was a Sr. Red belt and here she is finally a✨ Black Belt,1st Dan ✨.In case you missed reading the previous post,may I suggest you to start from there.I have covered a lot of detail on what it entails to be a Black belt, and It would help you…

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Trails: The Bellefields Loop Trail

Trails: The Bellefields Loop Trail

Right in the middle of the Bellevue city,Washington just 30 minutes drive from our home lies one of the easiest,fun,scenic kid friendly trail called the Bellefields Loop Trail. We did this trail the evening before we went on the RattleSnake Trail. The Bellefields trails lies in the 320-acre Mercer Slough Nature Park and it loops through upland forest and scrub-shrub wetland,a scenic gift for those tired eyes. The Mercer Slough is Lake Washington’s largest remaining wetland and home to to…

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Road Trip in RV-Part 3: The conclusion

Road Trip in RV-Part 3: The conclusion

The first two parts of our trip is covered in The Beginning and The Campsite,this here is the final part of our road trip. Back To Campsite Soon the temperatures dropped and it was time to head back to campsite.We retreated into our RV’s to change into fresh clothes and in came the sand with the girls, eventually ending on the bed! As the skies turned a shade darker,the men headed to get logs for the campfire and while the…

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Road Trip In RV-Part 2:The Campsite

Road Trip In RV-Part 2:The Campsite

Hello, did you just land on this post? Well, let me make a suggestion to read the The Beginning,where I talk about the planning and packing,this here is the continuation of our journey from after we left home for Ocean Shores. Remember our vacation to Seabrooks ? Well Ocean Shores is next door to Seabrooks. First Hour in RV Five minutes into our drive and we heard a loud thud.The apple juice box that N had so lovingly picked up…

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Road Trip in RV-Part 1:The Beginning

Road Trip in RV-Part 1:The Beginning

We did it!! We finally ticked off “Experience RV” from our bucket list of experiences–must-try-once! We rented a Cruise America RV and went on a short road trip to close by town of Ocean Shores with family friends earlier this month. What is an RV?A recreational vehicle,RV, is a motor vehicle or trailer which includes living quarters designed for accommodation.Typical amenities of an RV include a kitchen, a bathroom, and one or more sleeping facilities! Wikipedia. Let me start by…

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Trails: Coal Creek Falls

Trails: Coal Creek Falls

On a warm wet spring afternoon of Mother’s day we completed the second hike of 2021-Coal Creek Falls!An easy and shorter hike than Wallace falls,I for one enjoyed the hike more than the water falls on this one trail.Narrow muddy trail in the midst of the evergreen trees and delightful bird songs as we hiked towards the waterfalls was really the highlight of Mother’s Day.

Trails: Wallace Falls

Trails: Wallace Falls

Washington is known for its greenery and trails.On any warm day you’ll find trails thronged with hiker, young, old and even kids.With a bucket list of hikes to complete there are those who hike throughout the year,even in peak winters! No,I am not one of those hikers,I am though part of a facebook hiking group.Most days I am just admiring their grit as they share their conquests in the group !😛 We started hiking just last year when our summer…

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Happy Birthday Dearest S

Happy Birthday Dearest S

My heart has been very heavy all this week with the news from back home.Sitting thousands miles away from home helplessly watching as India faces the worse wave that any country has seen since the start of pandemic. As I write this post I am aware of the pain and anguish many are going through right now!Hang in there.This shall pass! We celebrated the third birthday of the family this month,Happy Birthday S. As you would have already gathered from…

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Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi! My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate. All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai! Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the…

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🎉Ms.Curious is a senior Red Belt.She’s exactly one belt away from becoming a Black Belt.🎉 It has taken a lot of practice,patience and hard work for her to reach where she’s today!We are so proud of her. Taekwondo is the oldest form of Korean martial arts,a self defense discipline.Tae stands for “foot“,Kwon stands for “fists” and Do stands for “art”,which plainly put means the art of using all parts of your body Anusha Ms.Curious has been attending Taekwondo for almost…

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Happy Birthday N

Happy Birthday N

Here it is finally,a long overdue post on another birthday that we celebrated at the starting of this month. 🥳 Ms. N turned FOUR. 🥳 Oh,did I mention?Our birthdays,Hers and mine are just a week apart.Birthdays are big deal in our house,it has to be loud and fun even if it’s just us 4.So the week leading up to her birthday is always a busy week for me,shopping and planning for her big day. This year she wanted a Frozen…

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Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me

Who had a fun weekend? Who went out and came back a year wiser, prettier, smarter and all the affirmative ‘er’s” this weekend. Oh well, if you haven’t guessed it yet! Yes it was me. “Happy Birthday to me..” My birthday falls in the same week as the mid winter break and that makes it easier on S to plan a family vacation and also pass it on as my birthday getaway too! Smart chap :). This time it fell…

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