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Tag: feelings

Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

“There is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake, and a person who hurts you by continuing a pattern. Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken“- somebody on Instagram ! Just one of those days when a Instagram gives you these pearls of wisdom that lead you down the path of introspection. Now, when I started blogging again this year, one of my early posts was about one such incident in particular where I…

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Conversation : Thank You

Conversation : Thank You

Welcome to the new series. Conversations. We all enjoy a good talk , with pandemic in our lives for over a year now, phone calls have become a integral part of our daily routines, be it with a friend, a family member or just your colleague. More often than not, we slip into some thought provoking conversations . There are times when you agree and then there are times when you just want to scream out and say your piece….

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Story: Moving on….

Story: Moving on….

Shane had been distant this morning he had rather left in a hurry, it was because of the conversation they had last night. Relationships aren’t as easy at they seem it takes two to Tango. Its takes hard work and trust in your partner to get that imperfectly perfect dance routine that’s just yours. She should know, after all she was once married. It had been 3 years since her divorce, Raj, her ex-husband had been her best buddy for…

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