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Tag: Festivals



Hello hello! How are you doing today? I had a productive day, striking off most of my tasks for the day. Today I am here to talk about all the festivities 🎉. The temperatures dropped to 0ºC this morning. Oh yes, it has started to get cold in here! Cold enough for me to be wearing those hand and toe warmers underneath all those layers! If not for Ginger, I would never step out of the house on a morning…

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Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi! My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate. All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai! Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the…

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