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Tag: Halloween Party

Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

This is the last post in my three series post following Halloween Saga (2016-2018) and Halloween Saga (2019-2020) . We are finally here in 2021, the year of vaccination, the year of HOPE! While we are on it, I wanted to share some positive news with you guys, Ms. V got her first shot of Covid vaccination this weekend 🎉! Continuing from where we left, our 2021 Halloween pumpkin carving/painting tradition commenced just a week before Halloween this year. On…

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Halloween Saga (2019-2020)

Halloween Saga (2019-2020)

👻 I witch you a Happy Halloween 👻 Here it is -the second part to the three part series of our Halloween experiences in States.I kept my promise! In other news, currently I am watching Fleabag on Amazon Prime, yes I caught on to it rather late. Wouldn’t it be rather lovely to have that no filter attitude just once in a while and say what you gotta say? Ooh so tempting. Anyhow coming back to the topic, 2016-2018 was…

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Halloween Saga (2016-2018)

Halloween Saga (2016-2018)

👻 BOO 👻 With Diwali and Halloween over and Christmas at least a month away I am free to write. As much as I want to keep my posts up to date, I have been lagging behind since summer. Anyhow I am back with first of the three posts on our Halloween experiences. A photolog chronicling our 5 years of celebrating Halloween, more photos less words. I have split it into 3 parts, this first one is all about how…

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