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Tag: Letters

The March Letter

The March Letter

March 2022. Buongiorno, good morning as they say in Italian. Welcome to the March letter. How is the first week of April going for you guys? The sun is shining bright as I sit down to write this post.It’s one of the good spring days today. Spring here sees rain, freezing temperature, wind and sun all in a single day and not always in that order. Angela King tells me that weekend is looking bleak with a avalanche warning up…

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Monthly Letter Series: February

Monthly Letter Series: February

Hello there! How have you been? It’s officially Spring in our part of the world! Just like the Beatles song goes “Here Comes The Sun“, bright sunny days are here to stay😄. With Spring in the air and in my steps, picking up from earlier post titled Dear January, comes my next letter addressed to February. I know what are you thinking! Me too! You are thinking “Kudos to you Anusha for keeping up on at least one of your…

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Dear January

Dear January

Good evening. Can I ask you a question today ? When was the last time you wrote a letter ? Pause. Take a moment. Ready with your answer ? Are you smiling ? Did it bring back some fond memories? Hold on to that memory for bit. Enjoy this moment for a bit. What’s the hurry ? 😊 I have enjoyed writing letters for as I long as I can remember. Reading a letter always brings back fond memories of…

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