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Tag: Life

Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew

What is your favorite memory of you reading a book? asked Rana, grabbing a Nancy Drew from the shelf. Laila was taken aback by this innocent yet thought provoking question from her 10 year old daughter. Rana was going through this phase where every other sentence coming from her began with “What is your favorite….”. “hmm.. that’s an interesting question. Let me think for a minute…” said Laila. Most days Laila would say something silly in response and Rana would…

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Ginger is here – Part 1

Ginger is here – Part 1

Well the secret has been out for a while now and it only made sense that I let you all in on it too. Without much further ado, presenting to you , drums rolls…. ✨GINGER , our lab doodle pup✨. The newest kid on the block! Seriously my camera roll right now is filled with her pictures and shenanigans!! This fluffy ball of joy with two buttons for eyes has been keeping us busy for a over a month! Last…

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Life:Cousin’s visit

Life:Cousin’s visit

Hey there! How have you been ? I have been busy as you can tell! Finally I got some time this weekend to blog. I know I am running late on good 3-4 posts for the month of June , like 2 hikes, a camping trip, visit to Crater lake ,the thunder bird show and some more. And I will get to all of them.But for now, let’s talk about past two week. I had my first cousin Renu and…

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Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi! My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate. All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai! Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the…

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Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment

The other day a friend and I got talking about Bombay Begums, even though I didn’t enjoy the series it did highlight some very important issues specially workplace harassment/assault that women continue to face even today. As I look back now, I realize back in 2004 when we had just stepped into the corporate world we weren’t even aware of the term workplace harassment.Sadly most of us did experience one or the other form of workplace harassment but we didn’t…

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