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Tag: Seaside Oregon

Seven Little Clues

Seven Little Clues

In my previous post Seaside Oregon-The Crab Pot I sneaked in a mention of the Seven little clues. Shall we find out whether or not we solved the clues? And if we did what was the big surprise at end of it? 7 clues hunt (The beginning) It all started when Miss. V laid her eyes on a neatly rolled paper stuffed in the cavity of one the oars on the wall. Inquisitive as ever, her fingers found their way…

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Seaside, Oregon- The Crab Pot.

Seaside, Oregon- The Crab Pot.

🎉 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉 Bonjour! Hope you are having a sparkling start to the year! Two years on and the virus doesn’t seem to be going anywhere , Vaccination and Masks are here to stay. I hope you are being smart, being compassionate and keeping safe. Here is my first post of 2022 recounting our last vacation of 2021. After a lovely road trip and back to back parties all in one week, we spent the 1st day of…

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