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Tag: SeattleMontessori

I am a Room Parent

I am a Room Parent

Yes, this school year I volunteered to be the room parent for N’s class. No , not self volunteered rather the role fell into my laps and just couldn’t say no. I have only been volunteering for class/school specific activities, up until now. However, this year I moved on from following the instructions to giving out the instructions to a room full of parents (Parents can be a scary lot I tell you😂). A Room Parent’s primary duties are to…

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Montessori-Moving Up Ceremony

Montessori-Moving Up Ceremony

Thank you guys for loving my last post!To be honest I still laugh my head off just thinking about it ,I am glad you guys had a good laugh too 😂 If you can laugh at yourself,you are going to be fine.If you allow others to laugh with you,you will be great! Martin Niemoller Ms. V had what is called the “Moving Up Ceremony” in her school. Come this September she would be starting 4th Grade (O.M.G. I can’t even…

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