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Tag: SharmasinSeattle

The Interview

The Interview

This month we became naturalized citizens of the United States. The final process of naturalization involves giving an interview to the officer at USIC and taking an oath. If you pass the interview you are asked to take the oath of allegiance. The oath is the last step in you becoming a citizen of United States of America. It was a bitter sweet experience for me, as I raised my right hand and repeated after the officer “I hereby declare,…

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Alexa Cancel All Alarms

Alexa Cancel All Alarms

“Alexa Cancel All The Alarms“! Omg I hate you Amazon’s favorite Alexa! Nope not kidding you guys! LOL . Yes I am laughing out loud now, but at that minute, strike that, in those 30 seconds I am pretty sure my heart skipped a beat and my soul just flew out of my body!! You ready for this? The Watcher Everyone is off to bed except me! I decided to finish The Watcher on Netflix. Have you watched The Watcher…

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Hello hello! How are you doing today? I had a productive day, striking off most of my tasks for the day. Today I am here to talk about all the festivities ๐ŸŽ‰. The temperatures dropped to 0ยบC this morning. Oh yes, it has started to get cold in here! Cold enough for me to be wearing those hand and toe warmers underneath all those layers! If not for Ginger, I would never step out of the house on a morning…

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Being Consistent

Being Consistent

Good morning, hello hello ! Let’s chat, shall we? Let’s talk about being consistent! Been more than a minute since we last spoke! Hmm.. more like three weeks๐Ÿค . The old me would have apologized for not coming here. Trust me that “old me” is still very much tempted to do that. But I am not going let her do that, because if I could make the time I would have done that already ! Right now I am doing…

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Happy 10th Birthday My Love

Happy 10th Birthday My Love

Finally! It’s time for V’s happy 10th birthday celebrations post! This August my first born turned TEN ๐Ÿฅณ. ๐ŸŽ‰Move over single digits, the Double Digits are here to rule!๐ŸŽ‰ I always begin a birthday post with the thought of highlighting all the nice stuff about the birthday girl(s). A post that is all about the fun moments, the “aww I’ll miss this…” moments, the “omg time flies” moments. Which parent won’t have nicest things to share about their child, specially…

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And I am back and catching up

And I am back and catching up

HELLO !!! How are you guys doing? Oh I am doing fine. My summer break was refreshing, relaxing and just absolutely wonderful. And now I am back here and catching up. It’s 3 months bit too late and most of what happened in between will probably not make it here. Nonetheless the good part is I am back!! The last time I was here, I spoke about the books that I simply enjoyed listening. I so missed talking about all…

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The April Letter

The April Letter

Hello! How are you doing today? Before we get to the April letter, as you must have noticed I have been missing from the blogging scene for almost a month now. The reason being among other things (and I’ll update you on that in few weeks) we, all of us have been busy playing sick. To be precise N has been picking up bugs from school and passing it on each one of us in a round robin fashion. It’s…

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Spring Break 2022

Spring Break 2022

And I am back with our spring break post! A very happy morning to all of you. Here is wishing you all great fun week leading into May. Can you believe it, in less than a week we will be stepping into the fifth month of 2022 ๐Ÿ˜ฏ. How are you doing on those resolutions? Are you doing good on the promises you made to yourself at starting of this year. It’s time to assess and reflect and may be…

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Mini Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Mini Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Good morning my amazing tribe. How’s your day looking? What has been inspiring you this entire month? I am on my second book of the month Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. Though the book came out in 2018 and became an instant hit, it has again been making rounds on internet as one of must read books this year. It’s a short listen of 6 hours and I…

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Happy Birthday S

Happy Birthday S

๐Ÿ’• Happiest birthday S ๐ŸŽ‰ Aloha beautiful souls! How are you doing? What has caught your eye recently on your way to work or on your daily walks that brought a smile on your face? For me it’s the chirping of birds that accompany me on my morning walks. My daughters were back at school on Monday after their 10 days long spring break. While the 10 days break was much appreciated by me, I am also glad to get…

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April Fools Day 2022

April Fools Day 2022

Hello there! Howโ€™s April treating you ? How was your April Fools Day this year? Of course I did ! Now why will I ask you about April Fools day if I donโ€™t have a story to share myself duh ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ. The girls are home this entire week for their spring break. We have planned a local trip, S is kinda busy with work and his travel to India next month. Oh yes , we are finally doing it ๐Ÿงฟ….

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The March Letter

The March Letter

March 2022. Buongiorno, good morning as they say in Italian. Welcome to the March letter. How is the first week of April going for you guys? The sun is shining bright as I sit down to write this post.It’s one of the good spring days today. Spring here sees rain, freezing temperature, wind and sun all in a single day and not always in that order. Angela King tells me that weekend is looking bleak with a avalanche warning up…

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Little Secrets & Jar of Hearts By Jennifer Hillier

Little Secrets & Jar of Hearts By Jennifer Hillier

This month I caught up on two books both by the same author Jennifer Hillier – Little Secrets (2020 ) and Jar of Hearts (2018). Jar of Hearts has won the ITW Thriller Award for Best Hardcover Novel and was shortlisted for the Anthony and Macavity Awards – literary awards for mystery writers. Little Secrets made it as finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Anthony Award. Both the stories were some of my fastest listens for…

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Monthly Letter Series: February

Monthly Letter Series: February

Hello there! How have you been? It’s officially Spring in our part of the world! Just like the Beatles song goes “Here Comes The Sun“, bright sunny days are here to stay๐Ÿ˜„. With Spring in the air and in my steps, picking up from earlier post titled Dear January, comes my next letter addressed to February. I know what are you thinking! Me too! You are thinking “Kudos to you Anusha for keeping up on at least one of your…

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Happy 5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday

Guess what ? ๐ŸŒˆ Happy 5th Birthday N ๐ŸŒˆ. I know what you are thinking! “A birthday post again? Haven’t we gone through two “birthday” posts already now? ” I get it , I get it! It does seem like all I am doing is talking about birthdays and I am, because It’s raining milestones birthdays in our house this year๐Ÿ˜œ. Here I’ll make a promise, there is something that I have been working on and off for 2 months…

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