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Tag: Snow Day

Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

You read all about about Curious’s love affair with snow and how we were missing it this year in Sledding Day 2021 . For her sake, I really wanted it to snow. Well my prayers were finally answered and how! To give you an idea, as per official records, this was highest snow recorded in Seattle in last 52 years. Unlike the heavy windy snow we witnessed last year, we were treated to lighter, calmer snowfall this year. Dreamy fluffy…

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Sledding Day 2021

Sledding Day 2021

 We finally checked off “sledding” from our bucket list of winter-things-to-do-every-year! Constant reminders followed by accusations of-being-unfair or no fair topped with  extra drama from a certain 8 year old for over a month now, finally forced us into making that trip to  Leavenworth.  The drive was breath taking, It’s like one of those stunning winter wonderland kind of drive that you always watch in movie  and what made it perfect was that we had a visit from Mr. Sun himself.  It was gorgeous…

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