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Tag: Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation of 2022: Mysuru & Goa

Summer Vacation of 2022: Mysuru & Goa

Good morning, here we are on the last chapter of our vacation. I am going to keep this one short *no small talk this time eh?* so let’s to jump right in to it our visit to Mysuru and Goa. Mysuru The Sharma’s went to Mahabalipuram and the Chikodi’s went to Mysuru. We choose Mysuru for two reasons, one because of iconic Mysuru palace and two it’s right next door to Bengaluru. The trip was short and sweet, covering all…

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Summer Vacation of 2022: Mahabalipuram

Summer Vacation of 2022: Mahabalipuram

We are almost at the end of the summer vacation series. This one here covers our trip to Mahabalipuram. Well? Did you figure out the name of the podcast? *I repeat “we got better things to do!”. But hey don’t let us stop you from sharing with others.* As promised here it is… the podcast I mentioned about in last post is called Serial *Oh do you mean Serials of serial ? Or like Serial serial ? ok this isn’t…

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Summer Vacation of 2022: Belgaum

Summer Vacation of 2022: Belgaum

Hello there ! How was your weekend fun or fun? Guess what I am listening to these days on my morning walks? *she means when she’s not on the phone talking to friends, which is really never ever ever* . Let me give you some hints, – It’s a podcast and no it’s not The House of Dragon, it has something to do with a piece of news that made waves a couple of weeks back here in USA. Here…

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Summer Vacation of 2022: Friends

Summer Vacation of 2022: Friends

Meeting friends this summer was one of the highpoints of this vacation. This is something I had not at all anticipated when I first made the plans. Oh my! I had the most amazing time *yes we know, haven’t we heard this word enough already?* with each one of them. So here is a post dedicated to just meeting friends this summer vacation *This one just can’t stop bragging about her friends!*. So here is who I met… Like I…

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Crater Lake -The blue lake in Oregon

Crater Lake -The blue lake in Oregon

Remember how we left a night earlier than planned from our camping trip at Deception State Park? We left early from camping because the next day morning we were on our way to Eugene, a city in Oregon. Our destination-Crater Lake National Park, the only national park in all of Oregon! Interesting Fact: That weekend of June that we choose to visit the Crater National park turned out to one of be the hottest days in the recent history of…

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Camping: Deception State Park

Camping: Deception State Park

This is a long overdue post, to be precise this should have been my first post of this summer😬. Anyways here it is finally !! In the last week of June when the schools closed their doors for summer holidays, we went on our first ever camping trip 😄🎉! After the RV trip, S was a little wary about camping especially when it came to me , but to his surprise and mine, I utterly loved the whole experience of…

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Glacier National Park-Au Revoir

Glacier National Park-Au Revoir

Here it is!!The last post of the road trip that we set on from Seattle WA to the epic Glacier National Park MT. If you just landed on this page you may want to catch up on the The Beginning and The Middle ,this here is the final chapter of our 5 day road trip. Any guesses on what was the coolest part of day 4?It was… 🎉Ms. V’s birthday 🎉!! Yes,my not-so-little Lioness turned 9 that day😍 ,we had…

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Glacier National Park-le début

Glacier National Park-le début

This July we went on a five days road trip to Glacier National park along with my friend Satya and her family, yes the same friends with whom we did our first RV Trip! Needless to say,we had an amazing time. Did you know that there are 63 national parks in USA?In the past five years we have covered Mount Rainier(WA),Olympic(WA) and Hawaiʻi Volcanoes(HI) national parks,this year we added the Crater Lake(OR) and Glacier(MT) national parks to the list. There…

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