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Tag: Taekwondo

And she’s a black belt!

And she’s a black belt!

Drum rolls … is our very own 1st Dan Black Belt Ms. V! Last time I wrote a post she had just moved ranks, step closer to Black belt , she was a Sr. Red belt and here she is finally a✨ Black Belt,1st Dan ✨.In case you missed reading the previous post,may I suggest you to start from there.I have covered a lot of detail on what it entails to be a Black belt, and It would help you…

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🎉Ms.Curious is a senior Red Belt.She’s exactly one belt away from becoming a Black Belt.🎉 It has taken a lot of practice,patience and hard work for her to reach where she’s today!We are so proud of her. Taekwondo is the oldest form of Korean martial arts,a self defense discipline.Tae stands for “foot“,Kwon stands for “fists” and Do stands for “art”,which plainly put means the art of using all parts of your body Anusha Ms.Curious has been attending Taekwondo for almost…

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