The April Letter

The April Letter

Hello! How are you doing today? Before we get to the April letter, as you must have noticed I have been missing from the blogging scene for almost a month now. The reason being among other things (and I’ll update you on that in few weeks) we, all of us have been busy playing sick.

To be precise N has been picking up bugs from school and passing it on each one of us in a round robin fashion. It’s been a game of constant tag between cold, related infections and us! And no prizes for guessing that we are getting tagged almost every week for past month or more.

We are not out of the woods, not yet. As I write this post, I am down with a sore throat and have been surviving on honey water and methanol and well N gave me yet another scare with tummy bug just this weekend!! I mean come on !!!

Dear April,

My Dear April! Why why did you do this to us ? I am sorry if I am being brash and rude about it, but I have had enough! And it all started with you.

In the last week of April , N came down with high fever (103-104 F) and cold that stayed for entire weekend which later turned out to be a strep throat infection. She was home for a week and just when we thought it was all over, she picked up tummy bug in less than a week.

The week she was home recovering she passed on her cold to me. I was down and out with cold, like how!! And as I was on my path to recover, I ended up with a red eyes. It started as pink eyes and slowly progressed to conjunctivitis of the the worst kind.

I entered May with not one but both my eyes infected, the doctor had to increase my dose as the infection stayed for more than a week!! And all this happened while S was out of country for a week. Go figure 🤷‍♀️.

So yes, I am mad at you. It all started with you in the last week and extended well pretty much into all of May 😒! Ok, Alright! Now that I have vented it all out, let’s be fair, the month did start on a rather fun note. April 1st was all about April fools joke on the girls and my quick DIY crazy hair style for V.

On 2nd April we celebrated the festival of Ugadi one of our special south Indian festivals, dressing up in pretty salwar kameez and feasting on some yummy hot puri aloo.

The following Sunday, we met my cousin over lunch. Oh my the food was delicious and the company fabulous. Ginger was the happiest among us as spent time playing with her cousin Hobbes.

In the second week V participated in a science exhibition, I was so excited to see her presentation in person. Unfortunately S had to rush to office for a meeting but I more than made up for his absence by asking a million questions to her classmates regarding their experiments. By the end of an hour most everyone knew me as “V‘s mom” Yup! I became pretty infamous rather quickly 😂😜.

For the spring break this year we went to Seabrook! This visit was so much more fun than our last year’s trip. Now that the pandemic rules are getting relaxed, there were many activities planned throughout the week for kids. The best part of the trip though was the warm pool where the girls had a blast swimming!

Back home from the Seabrook we celebrated S’s 42nd birthday with the usual chocolate cake. The same day I managed to plan a mini Easter egg hunt for the girls in the backyard.

The same weekend, we also celebrated V’s best friend’s birthday, these girls met as tiny 4 year old toddlers and 5 years now and they are going as strong as ever 🧿.

This was also the month where for the first time I took Ginger to spa. I dropped a fluffy female and the one who came back with me looked anything but like Ginger 😜🤷‍♀️. When I went to get her It was only when I saw that tail wagging I realized I was looking at Ginger 😅.

Don’t even roll those eyes at me, I swear I gave the lady the exact instructions S asked me to give her!!

Finally, we come to the last week! The week when N came down with a fever and rest of it you already know! Well in between all the fun and not so much fun, we did manage to watch some good series!

I finally, finally ended up watching Bridgeton, and I just didn’t watch it, I binged watched it ! I wonder why o why didn’t I watch it last year! And then there was Inventing Anna and movie 83, enjoyed the performances.

On the books front, I caught up on a historical fiction, The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and a self help book The Atomic Habits by James Clear. Loved the former, the latter was a bit of damper, will read it again and let you know how it went!

I think I have caught up on most everything April. That is how my April went, busy, chaotic and joyful for most parts! And now I am on to the next post, trying to catch up on as many before I enter June.

Almost forgot, April, darling, you weren’t as bad , now that I look back at the other weeks but then again you did bring in the sickness. So that evens it out. Next year be kind to me.



Hey April! Please don’t fool me. Well you did it anyways ~ Unknown

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