April Books: The Nightingale & Atomic Habits.

April Books: The Nightingale & Atomic Habits.

This April I listened to two well known books, a historical fiction and a self help book . This was my first nonfiction audiobook or book in the longest time ever (read years). When was the last time I picked up a non fiction book over a fiction, I just can’t recollect!!

I started with Kristin Hannah‘s book The Nightingale (Published 2015), a 17 hours hours read and then moved on James Clear’s instant best seller Atomic Habits (Published 2018). I will let you in on a secret, I absolutely loved one and the other I would have to read again!

On a side note, Kristin Hannah happens to be N’s class teacher’s favorite author ! Now, I know what I can possibly gift the teacher the next time! (This was written in April, I actually ended up gifting her teacher this novel.)

The Nightingale

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Genre : Historical Fiction | Author : Kristin Hannah (2015) | Running Time : 17 hrs and 19 mins

Narrator:  Polly Stone

Did I enjoy The Nightingale? Oh Yes, I loved it!! The author tells us a tale of two sisters Vianne (Rossignol) Mauriac and Isabelle Rosignol and their struggle as they try to survive the war, resisting the German occupation of France in World War II. Their parallel stories are as different as their personalities, but are just as suspenseful, complicated, and emotional.

The character of Isabelle was my favorite of the two. The younger sister, who starts out as an impetuous 18 year old, but in order to survive the war, she turns into someone tough and driven and strong. She becomes “The Nightingale”.

The last few chapters of this book leave you heartbroken. Tears trickling down, I finally finished this book as we drove down to Seabrook to celebrate S’s birthday week.

The Nightingale is a story of the women -the unlikely gender surviving the war, doing whatever it took to survive. Kristin Hannah through her immersive writing highlights how in times of protectiveness that requires dangerous risks, fear often proceeds acts of bravery, and those who may appear weak can indeed possess incredible strength. It’s a beautiful book about war, fear, courage and above all love.

“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: in love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.”

This book has won many accolades, the Goodreads Best Historical Novel of the Year • People’s Choice Favorite Fiction Winner • #1 Indie Next Selection • A Buzzfeed and The Week Best Book of the Year. As you would’ve guessed already, the movie is already on its way

Yes, I loved the story and would recommend you to add it to your TBR (To Be Read) list if you haven’t already.

Atomic Habits

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Genre : Self Help | Author : James Clear (Oct 2018) | Running Time : 5 hrs and 35 mins

Narrator:  James Clear

After the The Nightingale I was ready for Atomic Habits, a book I saw almost every other person recommend over and over again on the internet. Did this work for me? Unfortunately NO! There are many reasons but the top most being this book should be read, an audiobook just won’t do. It didn’t for me.

Through out the book the author James Clear refers to cheat sheets, notes and diagrams (available online for free on his website jamesclear.com) asking the listener to refer to it time and again. This made it rather impossible for me to enjoy the book, because the whole idea of audiobook for me is to listen to astory on the go. I will have to read this book to appreciate the concept better.

If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. 

The book starts with James Clear‘s personal struggle and picks it from there. A habit building process is a slow and intentional process with many small steps involved. In the book James gives it to us in small manageable, relatable, easy to work with pieces all the while explaining the science behind it. He equips the readers with insightful strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones.

Yes, I did take away some good ideas but like I mentioned before, the audiobook just didn’t do it for me. I will read it again on my Kindle before I make up my mind on this book. But don’t let my experience deter you, this book didn’t just become instant best seller for no reason and after 3 years still happens to be one of the most recommended must read books on self help by many!

After Atomic Habits, I immediately picked up yet another highly recommended non fiction self help bookThe Courage to be Dislikedby Ichiro Kishmi and Fumitake Koga. Alas, I returned it within a week. I just couldn’t do with another nonfiction. Not so soon, not yet.

The month of May saw me going back to thrillers, two back to back murder thrillers. I am already on my way to finishing the second one. The review should be out soon. Until then, keep reading!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~ Dr. Seuss

4 thoughts on “April Books: The Nightingale & Atomic Habits.

    1. Hi , I am just catching up on all my posts and comments. I am glad this post took you down the memory lane with fondest memories . Thank you for stopping by .

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