Trails: Bluff Trail-Ebey’s Landing.

Trails: Bluff Trail-Ebey’s Landing.

As hustle bustle of daily school routine was just a week away we made no big plans for the long Labor Day weekend. It was supposed to be lazy weekend of chilling at home and catching up on Marvel movies.

The weather however played a spoilsport to our plans, Sunday turned out to be a gorgeously warm day. After having lived in Seattle for over 5 years we now know better to make hay while sun shines.

The guilt of wasting of a perfectly toasty Sunday day got to us and soon we were on our way to the scenic Ebey‘s Landing in Coupeville Washington a town on Whidbey Island.

I have heard Satya mention this place many times over last few summers about being a great weekend getaway, so after a quick chat with her about places to see, we decided to drive down to Ebey’s Landing and maybe take a ferry back home.

Bluff Trail

The Ebey‘s Landing lies on Whidbey Island ,about 21-22 miles past Deception Pass state park (where we camped earlier this month), a state park with access to great beach for a warm sunny afternoon picnic (read more about it here). As tempting as it was to take a detour(I was carrying swim suits and snacks) we stuck to our original plan and zoomed past the state park heading straight for the Bluff trail.

The trail cuts across a bluff overlooking the Puget Sound, hence the name Bluff Trail. Rated moderate, this 5.5 miles loop trail is one of the most beautiful oceanic trails I have been on so far.

We reached the parking lot a little after 2pm and started right away for the hike, a ladder just past the lot takes you straight up to the bluff. The view from there was absolutely breathtaking.

As soon as we were on the bluff, V and N took off for the farm that lay on our right.A historical farm that is under the Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve park services. Acres of open green farm was a welcoming sight for the girls, we had to gently remind them about being responsible Jr. Rangers.

We didn’t do the complete 5.5 miles ( we skipped hiking to the cemetery), we instead hiked the bluff all the way down to the beach and took the beach back to the parking lot completing the loop.

As recorded by S’s fit bit we clocked in a total of 3.8 miles. With around 300 ft elevation gain we completed this loop in about 2 1/2 hours including the breaks.

V as always led the hike as S followed her. N and I were lagging by a bit as my little model stopped and posed for me at every turn.

The trail is narrow for most part, you have to be very careful with your little ones here. N is now a seasoned hiker , she would slow down when it got tricky for her and wait for me to hold on to her jacket as she led the way for the both of us.

The trail is bit challenging when you have to hike through softer sandy path initially and then on and off as you move along the trail. Firm ground is easier on your legs, loose sand means you exert more pressure as you walk.

It got specially tough for N’s tiny feet and she did complain a bit, but nothing a quick break couldn’t fix. She and I took our time on the bluff enjoying the view down below.

Astounding view of the sound all along with hardly any trees blocking our sight was totally worth the hike.

We passed the mesmerizing lagoon as we continued on our way down to the beach. Don’t take my word for it, go visit it whenever you have the chance and be prepared to be awe struck.

After about an hour we were finally descending, a steep switchback led us down to the beach.The trail got pretty narrow here, we had to be very careful with the girls. It’s important to have a talk about safe hiking when on tricky trails.

No one was as happy as N when she realized the beach was just couple of minutes away. Hiking on sand had gotten her all tired. The sight of water got her all excited and she was heading down with renewed energy.

The girls took a snack break and I took out my iphone to capture this moment. We debated for a while on whether to hike back the bluff way or the beach way. The girls won and we took the beach route.

We started from the lagoon avoiding walking on sand as much as possible, N by now had started her raga and went running to her dad.She wanted to be carried, S obliged, V and I slowed down our pace to taste the salt that had deposited on the lagoon bank. It was salty alright πŸ˜›.

Soon we hit a dead end and were back on the sand. The girls and I rambled along the beach while S marched ahead with intent! We finally got ourselves a wildlife sighting!It was a seal.

We thought we saw a dog swimming but when it went underwater and didn’t pop back, I realized it was a Seal that had come a little too close to the beach.

As tempting as it was , the stinking algae and sea plants kept the girls from stepping into the water, they instead kept themselves busy with colorful beach stones. High tide was setting in, the temperature dropped, finally it got cold enough for us to ahead back to our van.

On our way back we stopped at Fort Ebey‘s state park for a quick look and caught some paragliders landing . It was past 7pm now ,we missed our chance to catch the last ferry, promising the girl we will do ferry the next time we started our drive back to home.

Thank you Satya for suggesting this trail,we absolutely loved it!

β€œThe secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain.

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