Trails: Discovery Park Loop

Trails: Discovery Park Loop

Yes I am finally coming to the father’s day celebration, I am almost close to the finish line, one more post and I will be finally done with summer 😬

Do you remember the Father’s Day Blooper? Yes, the same one where we, oh well fine, I goofed up big time!

So, finally on the June 20th 2021, international Father’s day, we…… wait for it , did nothing ! Or that’s how the day started.

The girls weren’t wee bit interested in making a special card for their Dad (so much for Father’s day and all that proclamation of love huh πŸ€ͺ) , well as far I was concerned I had done my bit two weeks ago, so I was off the hook!

And that left just the “Father” of the Father’s Day.πŸ˜‚

And as we all know, S wouldn’t care less for any of the days leave alone the Father’s day!! Basically, with me chillin it out, the day started out like any typical Saturday morning would be at our place, slow and laidback!

Hang on, now we weren’t all that bad, the girls did say the words “Happy Father’s Day!” with a big smile πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺ.

Discovery Loop Trail

Looking at all of us, S decided to take matters into his hands and and soon we were on the road with no particular plan on mind.

Mid way (we are off to somewhere in Seattle) the SUV swerved right at the signal (some signal,the point is , it turned rightπŸ€ͺ) and now we were heading to the famous Discovery Park!

Discovery Park is Seattle’s largest park and Discovery Loop Trail is designated National Recreation Trail that encircles this famous park that sits on a bluff. This famous and popular park is also home to an 1881 lighthouse, the oldest one in the area!

Sitting on the Magnolia Bluff, Discovery park offers amazing unparalleled view of the Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound and also access to beach! This park has everything for a perfect day out in Seattle.

So on Father’s Day we did the Discovery Park Loop Trail , an easy kid friendly 2.8 miles loop trail with an elevation gain of just 140 feet. Mostly a flat trail, except a steep elevation at the beginning this loop is popular among people of all ages!

We started from the visitor center and it took us about 2 hours to complete the loop, though it can be easily done in 1.5 hours if you don’t take breaks.

Most of the trail cuts through the dense forest, a beautiful woodsy trail with mostly moss covered trees all around.

There are signages at every intersection, aside from crossing a couple of roads( just a few cyclists crossing over) as you go around the loop, this trail is pretty safe for the kids and easily doable on any given day!

Out from the forest we found ourselves in open area of the park, at the edge of the bluff marvelling at the view that lay in front of us. Snow covered Olympic mountains and the Puget Sound.

There are couple of benches here and one can just sit and enjoy the view for hours or continue further on the trail.

The sand that mostly got blown over to the bluff by the winds has settled here , forming a sandy patch and many kids including mine loved getting their hands dirty 😜.

On the opposite end lay a large open meadow, where I spotted some families relaxing. A perfect day for some Father’s Day picnic!

A side trail from here would have taken us to the South Beach and the lighthouse, but we choose to stick to the loop and continued on.

From open space we were soon back to trees. The girls were sort of done, even though it was an easy hike, the sun had started to get to them.

Right then I spotted this huge tree and the girls sprinted right in its direction and S took this opportunity to take some fun pics of me and the girls.

The trail from here on was mostly flat and forested, this was one of the easiest trails we did after BelleFields Loop Trail!

We were almost close to the end, when S sort of got confused and led us a little off the loop, which led us to a playground and well, as you have guessed it, that was a blessing in disguise for the kids and us!

While S went looking for the parking lot, the girls got busy in the park and I went on facebook messenger to get in touch with a lady for a very important work! (Psst , I will tell you all about it very very soon!)

After about an hour, we were back on the road headed to a Mediterranean restaurant to pick our dinner, S‘s choice for his special day. A perfect end to a self planned Father’s day 😜 and that’s how we spent the Father’s day.

Here is something funny end to this post πŸ˜›πŸ˜‚


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