Two Thousand and Nine

Two Thousand and Nine

Can you believe it? Time flies. Cliche. One year gone, and 2010 is already knocking on my door! How was this year for me? Deepti prodded me. Wow, fabulous,Good, Bad, disappointing, Interesting,OMG, shitty, hmm, uh,ok? I experienced all that and more.

Fabulous:The top of the list being, S finally fulfilling his wish and what a great college to do it from!
Me, finally driving!(I think I have enough posts filled on why and how and when!). This year will always be special, my life took a full turn, 2 years and 4 months later I was back to being single(Forced)! First 15 days were filled with tears and then, then! I wasn’t fighting it anymore, I learned to accept it.And suddenly I was loving being single he he he.

Wow:Almost 5 years later, after S, I found them(Yeah I have spoken about them like zillion times now!) Gautam, the first one who unpretentiously asked me to join them for breakfast after reading one those cranky posts :). Liz, who insisted on buying me a chocolate(for helping out on a official request from my manager,You rarely find people who come all the way to just say thank you!) and finally ended up at my desk to say ‘Hello’. Jayant, who I insisted on meeting in person, after those weeks of just talking over the communicator despite working on the same product he he he!

I met my bitchy side.I realized, that I can actually get deep down dirty and hurt someone enough to put them to tears( I have not written about that episode because that person does not deserve tinniest space in my blog!), that I am not as vulnerable and naive as people take me for!
This episode was like the best of WOW moments! I surprised me he he he.

Disappointing: Recession. The recent declaration asking us not to expect more than peanuts.The constant whispers at work place.Toastmasters,so far (hopefully, it would not be the coming year!).

Bad: The recent episode after my car was hit! Fights with Anvita!(Some were scary!).

Uh, hmm ok:Plenty. Cant pick one!

Sweet: Me dancing in the rain on top of terrace, all alone he he he. My affair with the Kite.A and D, my family in Kor,they have been doing their bit to keep me entertained busy,lively.

Finally: Me baking!I am actually loving it. The little German and French that I finally picked up(If you think about it, I did manage to strike few things out of the ‘I want to do list’).My first shopping all alone.

Interesting,Memorable: Arun’s videos for HP Space! Hands down.Bridges of Madison county, Wake up Sid! Loved them, can watch them again and again.

Sad: Him not being around for good 8 months now! She going thro’ a heartbreak.


Me getting a tattoo was this years “Oh shit!” moments, with almost loosing my wedding ring taking the second spot!

One of my posts,almost put me in a spot!. Honestly, that was the best OMG moments,where I was summoned,clarifications were given and I was like ‘Did I really?What did I? OMG Anusha! he he he he. This is also the most embarrassing moment LOL .

Elated, on getting a promotion at work!

Surprising:Me blogging, cooking up (and not cooking up) those love stories he he he.

I’ll fill more, still got 17 days to go!

4 thoughts on “Two Thousand and Nine

  1. That does it, I am falling becoz all this naazar laagaying thing that you have been doing for weeks now! I dont waste food, I just eat as much as I can! OMG!

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