Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day 2022

Hello there! Missed me? Well I missed you guys. I have been working on a post for few weeks now and by looks of it, it’s going to take me a couple more weeks before I am ready to publish it. So , I figured until then we can talk about Valentine’s day.

Our Valentine’s Day

How was your Valentine’s day this year? Did something romantic – candle light dinner or just carried on with your day as usual? It was pretty much a regular day for us, except for the girls, who went dressed in red for their class parties. Husband dearest surprised me with some gorgeous roses yet again . And I managed to surprise the girls with cute DIY cards and got a cheesy romantic card for S πŸ˜‰.

If you ask me, S would be romantic one between the two of us. I stick to what I know the best, expressing through cards/ letters, a little note here, a little note there and I love you, that does the magic πŸ™‚.

Honestly though this year if not for the girls I think S and I would have probably even forgotten to wish each other. And you know what , that would have been perfectly alright with me but there was a time when I made a big deal about Valentine’s Day. A BIG DEAL.

Valentine’s Day Then

16 years ago I was so into Valentine’s day, OMG. No seriously, I was so furious with S because he forgot to give me roses on our very first Valentine’s day as a couple. Who even does that?

To be fair though ,in the very beginning of our courtship he had kinda told me that he didn’t believe in so called one day celebrations ! Well I can say a lot has changed since he said those words to me πŸ˜›.

That day though he was genuinely taken aback when I pulled the you-seriously-didn’t-get-me-roses-on-Valentine’s-day look on him, poor chap!! He didn’t expect that at all.

But hey, this was my first serious relationship after college and I wanted to experience everything that comes with Valentine’s Day. So after a rather scrumptious lovely lunch at Bayleaf S dropped me back to my house and then went looking for roses. I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to find any. I mean the roses fly off the shelves by the time it’s 14th and the ones you do find are so bruised that one wants to buy them!

Guess what? By evening I had a bouquet of fresh beautiful long stemmed 100 roses waiting for me. No, I am not kidding you! I don’t know how did he even manage to do it? I was tongue tied for couple of minutes.

After he gave me the roses you know what was the first thought that crossed my mind ? Where the hell will I put these roses πŸ˜‚?

I couldn’t believe this guy, a decent bouquet would have been perfectly fine with me, but no he went ahead and brought all the roses from this single shop and oh a cake too , just in caseπŸ˜‚ ! If I think of it now perhaps it was also You wanted roses well take 100 roses, you happy now?! He didn’t say it outloud though.πŸ˜‚

Oh boy, If you don’t know this ,the prices of roses go through the roof a week before Valentine’s day and on D day they are unbelievably expensive. I am talking about the year 2005, we had just started working. That was a lot of money for him to spend on me, his girlfriend ! Now you know why I said yes to him 🀣!

Anvita and I had just moved into a new house oh what fun times we had in our first shared accommodation, a red bucket was the best we could do for the roses that day! And so they ended up there and for the next few days that they stayed fresh we took tons of pictures with them.

Anyhow, what did I get him on that day ? Well I got him a V day card, yes believe me, that’s all I got him. Oh I hear about it till date, how he had to hunt down those roses for me while all I did was give him a card on our first Valentines day πŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ.

I haven’t changed much I give him cards even today for all occasions because that’s me. You should know by now that I love expressing through words. And that is why he found a card next to his toothbrush this Valentine’s dayπŸ˜‚.

I just got lucky that he stuck around even after this 100 roses Valentine’s Day! Perhaps he was blinded by love as they say !πŸ˜‚

Valentine’s Day Now

Well that was on 14th Feb 2005 and since then I pretty much get roses mostly every Valentine’s day. I scared him for good huh?. Oh I love receiving flowers, back then he used to surprise me with flowers in the office too, Oh how I miss those carefree young in love days.

I also just discovered my old post where I blogged about the best flowers surprises I have received. Each one has a story behind it some bitter some sweet. But to this day, they are the best surprises I have gotten.

In your early 20s you are high on romance and love. We have been together for 16 years, love has taken a new meaning for us. It no longer craves for things. Just a quiet moment with each other or a lunch date and my heart is full.

A hug ,a kiss and saying I Love You is just enough to put a smile on your face. Wouldn’t you agree? That’s how we spent our Valentine’s day yesterday, with cards, roses and smiles!

Of course, these days Valentine’s day is less about grown ups and more about children. For the love of god, I don’t understand it all ! Kids as young as 3 year olds celebrating this day in school is beyond me.

While I am complaining I must also admit I tend to get carried away with the V day celebrations at girls school, going shopping for V day treats to share with their classmates . Once I even threw a V day party for the V and her friends, go figure πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ.

The definition of love changes with time. What you found exciting once may not excite you anymore. Valentine’s day was just another day for us this year, just a reason to dress up and take some pictures as we whispered I love you to each other.

Valentine’s day or not, don’t let anyone define that love for you. I wish you so much love today and always. Happy V day to you ❀️. Spread smiles and hugs! Love yourself always.

β€œI love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” β€”Paul Coelho, The Alchemist

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