You are just done!

You are just done!

“Losing respect for someone, is always a weird thing ,you don’t hate the person, you just don’t feel the need to ever speak to them ,again or even think about them in the same way. You are just done”
How apt is this? Please raise your hands or rather give me a  thumbs up👍 (courtesy zoom meetings!).
How many of you have felt this way ? One too many times perhaps? These lines were not written by me, but it resonates with how I have been feeling off late.
 Let’s put things into perspective., I met someone, got tad too friendly  (no one to blame here, that’s me) , got tad too excited (things just panned out pretty well between us or so it seemed at that time), got too carried away , Yup I deliberately left out the tad!
You get the picture yet? Well if not, fortunately for you , you aren’t the ever friendly, I found a new friend yay. let’s-go-all-out-and-make-it-work kind of girl. I am all that and even more sometimes.
With the events that unfolded over a long period of time intervals, repeatedly ,I reached you just don’t feel the need to ever speak to them again or even think about them in the same way“.
I am so done, this doesn’t mean I can’t be around that person anymore.It’s a show, I can play my part really well.
I can go on merrily with my life  even when the shit hits the roof without batting an eyelid. I’ll say sorry, hope it works out and just walk away. Because I don’t give a damn.
I have one rule, unsaid, give the other person at least 3 chances before jumping off the ship.
Every relationship needs to be worked on, we all have our moments. Here is the deal, how you come back from these moments that there decides if  I’ll stick around for another around.
The first few times, I will hold your hand (not literally duh, you get the picture), I’ll make it easy on you. It happens to all of us, we all need empathy if nothing.
But seriously, you can’t  pull me into this cycle of yours every time it suits you (Or perhaps some do! )?Whatever rocks their boat, It definitely ain’t rocking mine anymore !!
This has happened a few times before and as the wise women (or men ) say “You only get wiser with each one “. Age has a magic to it. You just grow up. Experiences. People. Relationships.
Rant Over. Until the next time, with something more interesting.

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