You Should Have Known-The Undoing

You Should Have Known-The Undoing

 Time and again, you’ll find this space filled with reviews of series, books, movies through my eyes, these are the ones that caught my attention ,enough that ,I wanted to come and talk pen about them.

 This is my opinion, how I perceived, felt and experienced them. Strongly

Today we are talking about The Undoing  limited American miniseries playing on HBO Max , based on the characters and the plot line (loosely enough) from the book called You Should Have Known” by Jean Hanff Korelitz

 I am team thriller. I’ll choose thriller any day over other genres . I loved the series so much so that I decided to give the book a read. 

The plot is your typical-murder-mystery. A beautiful yet poor this fact gets highlighted more often than not by the characters mother of two is found brutally murdered the details on how and who found her change in the book & series. What follows is a police investigation and unravelling of events that leads you there.

There are about 24 chapters, and I am on 22, as I write this post. I can tell you now, the handling of the story in book is unlike the the series.

Jean, the author lays out the whole story through the eyes of her female protagonist. You are living her emotions, experiencing all her vulnerabilities , reflecting upon her pain as she watches her carefully curated nestled world come crashing down

Its all about Grace Reinhart Sachs,  her monologue with self who in the wake of the recent tragedy, that has befallen on her once perfectly revered family,  is seen visibly struggling, trying to project stability to her 12 year old son whose father a renowned pediatric oncologist is now a prime suspect in the murder.  

The book stays true to its title , She should have known! 

Grace is a  therapist who is seen asking her patients to listen to their intuition time and again. She believes the signs are always there but the heart see what it wants and in that moment, there, the mind chooses to ignore all those red flags. 

Until it comes down crashing on her, how did she miss those signs? The one preaching and lending a helping hand was now a victim herself.

We see what our heart sets its eyes on. Haven’t we all heard this one before perhaps more than once ,  and the ones closest to you are the last to know the truth! The book highlights this fact  beautifully enough. 

If you are not into thriller-suspense-drama, this is not meant for you. 

The murderer is established very early on in the book. In the series however they play to our sensibilities of wanting more gruesome details confusing you by presenting every details in the most convoluted form of story telling. That’s what I love about thrillers, you are collecting all your clues trying to solve the mystery before the director itself *wink*

I enjoyed series thoroughly. The series plays  out its choice of title  Undoing the cause of a person’s ruin or downfall” perfectly

The fall of a picture perfect family!  perfect family even a thing though?. One mistake and everything falls down like a pack of cards.  It picks up the characters from the book and plays out the plot in a very thriller physiological angle.

You want to devour the miniseries in one go. Binge watch. Did I intrigue you enough? Are you team thriller?

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